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Passionate Prayer Promises

Passionate Prayer Promises

Are you yearning for a closer relationship with God? Do you sometimes have the feeling your prayers are boring and repetitious, or you don't know how to pray? If you want a more exhilarating, personal, and passionate prayer life, Passionate Prayer Promises is the resource you've been waiting... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Hooked on Unhappiness

Hooked on Unhappiness

Are you a certifiable negaholic? If so, this book could change your life. Answer these few questions: 1. Do you find yourself in a bad mood more often than not? 2. Are you critical of everyone and everything around you? 3. Do you dwell on painful memories? 4. Do you have a negative... [Show more]

  • Prix:$7.95
Hope Bible | Anglais

Hope Bible | Anglais

This Bible has been specially prepared to give hope to those who are facing different challenges in life. It is also a great resource for health care professionals, chaplains, and others who may offer any kind of support for those in need. The Hope Bible has many unique characteristics: Preliminary... [Show more]

  • Prix:$27.00
La Bible de l'espérance

La Bible de l'espérance

Cette Bible a été spécialement conçue* pour donner de l'espérance à ceux qui recontrent des difficultés dans certains domaines de leur vie. C'est également une excellente ressource pour les professionnels de la santé, les aumôniers... [Show more]

  • Prix:$27.00
Hope Bible | Espangol

Hope Bible | Espangol

Esta Biblia ha sido especialmente preparada * para dar esperanza a aquellos que enfrentan diferentes desafíos en la vida. También es un gran recurso para profesionales de la salud, capellanes y otras personas que pueden ofrecer cualquier tipo de apoyo para los necesitados. La Biblia... [Show more]

  • Prix:$27.00
Living Free Quit Nicotine USB

Living Free Quit Nicotine USB

The Living Free Quit Nicotine program is a ten-session lifestyle program designed to help individuals quit smoking—for good! It combines educational, inspirational, and motivational elements along with an aggressive lifestyle approach to detoxifying, rebuilding, and... [Show more]

  • Prix:$5.00
Ministering Hope to the Hurting Heart

Ministering Hope to the Hurting Heart

Ministering Hope to the Hurting Heart is an inspiring gentle guide for people called to minister to survivors of abuse. Buoyed by the Word, a clear vision of the healing process and practical suggestions, you will be empowered by Christ, the Balm in Gilead, to bring healing hope to survivors.... [Show more]

  • Prix:$10.00
Model Rocketry Honor Requirements

Model Rocketry Honor Requirements

Click on the title above to download the requirements.

Espanol-Viviendo Libre: Nicotina DL

Espanol-Viviendo Libre: Nicotina DL

The Living Free Quit Nicotine program is a ten-session lifestyle program designed to help individuals quit smoking—for good! It combines educational, inspirational, and motivational elements along with an aggressive lifestyle approach to detoxifying, rebuilding, and... [Show more]

  • Prix:$50.00

Family Ministries Programming Ideas

Because your church is a diverse family, it is important to try to include each group in family ministries.

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States