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Awarded by the conference to Pathfinder staff who have served for thirty-five years. Pin is worn on the left pocket flap of the Class A uniform.
Awarded by the conference to Pathfinder staff who have served for forty-five years. Pin is worn on the left pocket flap of the Class A uniform.
Size XL Courage to Stand black polo shirt from the 2009 international Pathfinder camporee in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Sizes and quantities are limited.
The uniform makes Pathfinder Club Ministry real and visible. The insignia that is part of the uniform commemorates the completion of Investiture Achievement levels, Honors, and other accomplishments. This guide includes a short history of the Pathfinder Club uniform, recommendations on when... [Show more]
The Farming Master Award is earned when the Pathfinder earns any SEVEN (7) honors in the Outdoor Industries category. This category is called Primary Industries in the South Pacific Division.
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Descargue los requisitos para la especialidad de Trabajos de aguja haciendo click en el icono superior.