When Ellen White wrote about prayer—its power and its necessity for the Christian—she was writing from personal experience. Often she was driven to her knees by the demands of the special work she had been called to do and her need for strength from God. This newest addition to the Christian Home... [Show more]
HOPE stands for Houses Of Prayer Everywhere, the focus of Prayer Ministries in North American. Use the HOPE Heals Prayer Ministries banner to promote Prayer Ministries in your church or conference. For a prayer calendar and much more visit http://hope-heals.org
"I found in my agony of searching something for which I have been continually grateful. I found the ABC’s of prayer. "In Matthew 7:7 I learned the ‘A’ of prayer. ‘Ask and it shall be given you.’ In Mark 11:24 I learned the ‘B’ of prayer. ‘Believe.’ Believe that you have received the answer! Isn’t... [Show more]
Drug abuse continues to be a big problem in many societies worldwide. In this book, Saustin Sampson Mfune gives a refreshing and positive prevention message through original songs and a skit. By focusing on other health behaviors such as keeping one’s environment clean and self-esteem this musical... [Show more]
Welcome to Sea of Miracles VBX, where kids get caught by Jesus’ love! This awesome program will show kids the power of Jesus' love and what it means for us. Each day at Sea of Miracles kids will explore Galilee during Jesus’ time and experience the joys of sharing their adventures with each other.... [Show more]
Want some small group discussion starters? Use these prompts to get your group going. Steve Case draws on his love for Scripture, personal experiences, and training by taking a passage of Scripture and offering questions that draw out the meanings that lead to personal applications of the Bible. You... [Show more]
PLEASE NOTE: This product will ship on Jan. 30, 2018. Welcome to Sea of Miracles VBX, where kids get caught by Jesus’ love! This awesome program will show kids the power of Jesus' love and what it means for us. Each day at Sea of Miracles kids will explore Galilee during Jesus’ time and experience... [Show more]
What if someone gave you a block of the finest marble with the task of creating a masterpiece that would be displayed for the entire world to see? Parenting is like that, except that instead of a block of marble we are given the delicate life of a child to shape and mold so they can become lifetime... [Show more]
Spiritual growth, or spirituality, is a topic that is in vogue today, and it has captured the interest of people everywhere. Even those not associated with any religion have become interested in some form of spirituality. Unfortunately, to many people, spirituality is connected with Eastern... [Show more]
Welcome to Cactusville, one of the most adventurous towns in the Southwest! Cactusville is a mining town tucked away in the desert where the sun is always shining, the skies are bright blue, and the peaks of the surrounding mountains look like broken spurs. Yee-haw! Kids will experience a rip... [Show more]