How does a good habit start? By repetition at an early age. How do parents keep their children motivated? This is an excellent pictorial way to teach young children the difference between tithe and offerings and to train them to be regular and faithful with their tithe and offerings. Sold in... [Show more]
How does a good habit start? By repetition at an early age. How do parents keep their children motivated? This is an excellent pictorial way to teach young children the difference between tithe and offerings and to train them to be regular and faithful with their tithe and offerings. Sold in... [Show more]
How does a good habit start? By repetition at an early age. How do parents keep their children motivated? This is an excellent pictorial way to teach young children the difference between tithe and offerings and to train them to be regular and faithful with their tithe and offerings. Sold in... [Show more]
The General Conference Department of Youth Ministry has searched the world and found more then 35 experienced youth ministry mavens who are passionate about leading young people into the kingdom of God. Their combined expertise presents the most comprehensive, concentrated, proactive, informative,... [Show more]
In all cultures and societies, success is usually measured by what one achieves. Young people are often challenged beyond measure to become successful no matter the sacrifice. They have very few role models who will tell them the truth about God’s plan for their lives. As a youth minister for... [Show more]
Worship and music have been intimately connected since biblical times. Yet music in worship has become a point of contention—a great chasm separating the young and the not-so-young, the conservative and the liberal, and, quite possibly, the members of the church you attend. Is there a solution to... [Show more]
Children love to sing! Learning songs is one of the tried and true methods of teaching children. Even those too young to read can memorize simple words and melodies. Sing About God's Love contains songs to help young children begin to understand the 28 fundamental beliefs of our church. A few of... [Show more]
During my 30 years as a community minister, I have met thousands of awesome people who have no clue that they are awesome. Several reasons for this is that many of them have never been affirmed or complimented by family, church, or society. They are often judged based on their outward appearance,... [Show more]
In a story of profound faith revered by much of humanity, one young woman struggles with the destiny for which she is chosen--to give birth to the Son of God and to become the object of salvation for billions of souls--a deeply moving journey told in A Nativity Story. The Academy Award-nominated... [Show more]