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Help! I'm a Parent - DVD

Help! I'm a Parent - DVD

Help! I’m a Parent: Christian Parenting in the Real World will inspire and encourage parents, grandparents, and caregivers on your journey as disciple-makers of your children. It addresses common challenges experienced by parents of children from birth through age seven. This DVD resource is... [Show more]

  • Prix:$59.95


This is the story of the Ohio Conference's ten-year effort to forge a fresh leadership paradigm. It is a story of a robust and respectful collaboration between Conference leaders, parish pastors, and congregational leaders. It is a story of intentional design, intended outcomes, and unintended... [Show more]

  • Prix:$5.95
You Can Understand the Book of Revelation

You Can Understand the Book of Revelation

Some Christians say Revelation is a closed book and not meant for human understanding. Actually, the word Revelation means “unveiling,” and the first chapter of Revelation promises a blessing to all who read and take it to heart. Other readers study Revelation over and over but end up... [Show more]

  • Prix:$12.95
Beams of Heaven Guiding Me

Beams of Heaven Guiding Me

Over the course of his career, Roy Adams has traveled to multiple countries on nearly every continent as a pastor, seminary professor, and speaker. He’s the author of eight books and hundreds of editorials and articles—and now, Adams offers his own story, with some of the most arresting,... [Show more]

  • Prix:$18.95
  • Sale:$10.00
Going Green for God - Devotional

Going Green for God - Devotional

Going Green for God is a 40-day spiritual journey for youth leaders and youth groups. Pastor Lester Collins Jr. offers Bible texts, inspirational thoughts, and helpful tips on how to apply biblical concepts to your life. This devotional book will lead youth groups through eight spiritual... [Show more]

  • Prix:$8.95


If you’ve ever wanted a genuine, thriving relationship with Jesus but didn’t know exactly what to do to make it happen, this book was written for you. Even if going through the motions has left you empty, if reading the Bible and praying are just two extra items on your daily to-do list, if you feel... [Show more]

  • Prix:$12.95
The Case for Christ

The Case for Christ

Is there credible evidence that Jesus of Nazareth really is the Son of God? Retracing his own spiritual journey from atheism to faith, Lee Strobel, former legal editor of the Chicago Tribune, cross-examines a dozen experts with doctorates from schools like Cambridge, Princeton, and Brandeis who are... [Show more]

  • Prix:$16.99
The Case for a Creator

The Case for a Creator

“My road to atheism was paved by science . . . But, ironically, so was my later journey to God.” ---Lee Strobel During his academic years, Lee Strobel became convinced that God was outmoded, a belief that colored his ensuing career as an award-winning journalist at the Chicago Tribune. Science had... [Show more]

  • Prix:$16.99
The Case for Grace

The Case for Grace

The Case for a Creator explored the scientific evidence for God; The Case for Christ investigated the historical evidence for Jesus; The Case for Faith responded to eight major objections about Christianity; The Case for The Real Jesus refuted the current challenges to the Bible and Christ … Now, in... [Show more]

  • Prix:$16.99
The Book of EL

The Book of EL

Justice. Love. Mercy. The Book of EL: 31 Day Devotional for Love & Justice Without listening to the news we can find issues of injustice and pain in our own neighborhood. As we drive to work or our place of worship, we are surrounded by people who need our attention. Too often we miss... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States