Are you an area youth director, or maybe a youth leader in a church? Are you just beginning or highly experienced? Are you a young person who is ready to be a leader right now? Use the principles, ideas, examples, and plans as tools for what you create with the inspiration that only God can give... [Show more]
This is a long-needed book for kids to help them understand the growth of our church following the Great Disappointment. Sandy Zaugg has brought the issues and the times to life in this delightful book. This story is set in the in-bewtween years of our church's history- after the Great... [Show more]
Drug abuse continues to be a big problem in many societies worldwide. In this book, Saustin Sampson Mfune gives a refreshing and positive prevention message through original songs and a skit. By focusing on other health behaviors such as keeping one’s environment clean and self-esteem this musical... [Show more]
A grand expedition to Albuquerque promises to be a great adventure for the Reynolds family. When Dad announces a surprise vacation, Cari and Andy can hardly wait to find new secrets while exploring forests, mountains, deserts, and canyons. Join them as they discover all kinds of exciting things... [Show more]
Families need special attention in the quick-paced world! Ellen White states that God "desires that the families below shall be a symbol of the great family above" (The Faith I Live By). Electing a family ministries leader is an important step for local churches. This Quick Start Guide breaks the... [Show more]
Forgiveness is at the center of our faith. We forgive because Jesus has forgiven us and says we should forgive others. But what does it mean to forgive? Is it to forget any wrongdoings, to accept an apology, to reconcile, to move on? What does it look like in real life? The Forgiveness Formula... [Show more]
Jesus is both human and God. As the Son of Man, He gave us an example of how to live on this earth. As the Son of God He saves us from our sins so that we might live with Him in eternity. No one has had more impact on Earth than Jesus. Today, He calls to us to believe in Him and to follow Him, just... [Show more]
What if the mission Jesus gave His church drove everything that the church did? What would that be like? Undoubtedly it would drive the church right out of the building and into the community. What would the results be? Heartfelt worship, meaningful relationships, and an insatia¬ble drive to... [Show more]
Want some small group discussion starters? Use these prompts to get your group going. Steve Case draws on his love for Scripture, personal experiences, and training by taking a passage of Scripture and offering questions that draw out the meanings that lead to personal applications of the Bible. You... [Show more]
Why death? Why pain? It's the most difficult question of all. This classic work reveals, in simple story form, what philosophers and theologians have struggled for centuries to explain. All who seek to serve a loving God, yet suffer pain and loss, will find answers to their deepest questions in this... [Show more]