The Canadian Adventist Messenger: South Asian Edition is a magazine for people of all backgrounds and ethnicities who share a love for Christ and yearn to be like Him. It’s no surprise that the South Asian community is growing in North America, and with this growing community come... [Show more]
ORIGINS has a unique way of providing evidence for the common ground and conflicts between science and religion—specifically on the subject of creation vs. evolution. With the help of scientists and scholars, the ORIGINS presentations will take you on a journey to uncover scientific... [Show more]
From the beginning of our world at creation through the birth and life of Jesus, volumes 1-12 of the God Said It series take kids on a wonderous journey through most of the main stories of the Bible. Each story teaches kids important lessons about trusting God and following His plans for their... [Show more]
The Critic (Qoheleth) concludes that life under the sun is a vapor—a hopeless chasing after the wind. But what if Solomon had met Jesus and learned about the Gospel? What if he had been given a glimpse into God’s vision and purpose for the human family in the mission and ministry of... [Show more]
Based on research and personal experience, Helping Write the Final Chapter is a primer on death, grief, and ministering to those going through these experiences. Begin your journey of exploration into something that is natural, something all of us may one day experience, and something that need not... [Show more]
The Critic (Qoheleth) concludes that life under the sun is a vapor—a hopeless chasing after the wind. But what if Solomon had met Jesus and learned about the Gospel? What if he had been given a glimpse into God’s vision and purpose for the human family in the mission and ministry of... [Show more]
L’héritage de l’Église pend les Explorateurs et les Chefs Guides pour un voyage avec les leaders Chrétiens alors qu’ils cherchaient à suivre la direction divine. Découvrez comment l’Église de Dieu s’étend de... [Show more]
This collection of essays features the experience of black Seventh-day Adventist healers and preachers through the painful history of racial and social discrimination; it chronicles their struggles and showcases their love for their church and fellow human beings and the profound influence of their... [Show more]
Estey DVD incluye todo lo que necesita para dirigir un grupo a través de ¡Auxilio, somos padres! Este recurso se desarrollo especificamente para padres de niños de edades entre 13 a 18 años. Este recurso es ideal para ser usado: individualmente, como pareja,... [Show more]
Tu es peut-être une maman solo par choix, en raison d’une grossesse imprévue, suite à un divorce, à cause de la mort du père de ton enfant, d’un père absent, d’un abandon, ou d’une multitude d’autres possibilités. Les... [Show more]