The need of the church today is not merely to win souls, but to make disciples. Adding new converts must be followed up with multiplying fruit-bearing disciples. How did Jesus transform witnesses into radical disciples who, in turn, reproduced and multiplied themselves through others, thus building... [Show more]
Do your prayers seem to bounce off the wall and back into your face? Do you feel as if your petitions barely reach the ceiling before falling back, shattered at your feet? How can your puny prayers become prevailing prayers? Christ's Way to Pray explains that the answer is not found in focusing... [Show more]
The plan of Christ was first and foremost people. Jesus will become a testimony when He is revealed in our words and actions, and the possibility of real triumph depends on the level to which we allow ourselves to fade away and let Christ continually grow in our lives. The author says, "I am not... [Show more]
The empowering words of this chorus often reverberate in my mind: “Dare to be a Daniel, dare to stand alone, dare to have a purpose, dare to make it known!” In a postmodern age of relativism, moral mediocrity, and low expectations, Daniel inspires and challenges us to advance higher in our spiritual... [Show more]
Unprecedented crises are breaking out everywhere - a harbinger of more to come. As the critical time of the final crisis approaches, Satan knows that he has a short time. He is poised to execute his well-hewn schemes of deception and destruction more than ever in the history of humanity. This old... [Show more]
In our Western culture which focuses on individualism, it is not easy to know how to properly give and graciously receive a genuine compliment. This is frequently misunderstood and viewed as flattery. Yet there is a vacuum that God created in the human heart for altruistic affirmation, and Jesus... [Show more]
In this book we will focus on the healing miracles of Christ, their immediate and broader significance and application to our own lives.Healing was of vital importance to Christ and His ministry, hence He invested more time in that than preaching. His healing miracles were real and genuine, in... [Show more]
'What does good Christian leadership look like? What strategies will be the most effective in wining souls for Christ? And how can authentic Christianity transform my working environment?' If you're asking such questions as these, the answers are in your hands. Philip Baptiste serves as... [Show more]
Raise your young ones to be champions for God by delighting them with some gripping tales from the Scriptures as they learn the life stories of twenty-four of God’s heroes throughout the Bible. Teach your children to have the tact of Abigail, the courage of Caleb, the willingness of Philip and... [Show more]
You probably have a fairly good idea of what it took to construct the building in which your congregation meets. First, there was a recognized need for a building, followed by a budget, blueprints, fund-raising, construction workers, and building materials, and voila! The structure proudly stands as... [Show more]