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Beginner Sabbath School Quick Start Guide (Espagnol)

Beginner Sabbath School Quick Start Guide (Espagnol)

Beginner Sabbath school is the start of an important spiritual journey for the children in your class. It's the place where parents can bring their children for their first formal introduction to Jesus and their church family. Through Sabbath school children get to know God, to hear God's Word, and... [Show more]

  • Prix:$2.95
Building A Strong Marriage Workbook--Spanish

Building A Strong Marriage Workbook--Spanish

PREPARE/ENRICH is a workbook designed to help premarital and married couples build a closer relationship. Most premarital couples spend a great deal of time, energy, and money on a wedding ceremony that lasts a few hours. But they spend little time acquiring the relationship skills needed to build... [Show more]

Help! I'm A Parent - 8 - 12 Set - Spanish

Help! I'm A Parent - 8 - 12 Set - Spanish

This kit includes everything you need to lead a group through Help! I'm a Parent for parents of kids ages 8-12. This resource is ideal for use individually, as a couple, or in a group meeting in the home, church, or at a local church school. Kit includes: Instructions for sharing this parenting... [Show more]

  • Prix:$69.95
Fiercely Faithful VBS Kit | Spanish

Fiercely Faithful VBS Kit | Spanish

At this Vacation Bible School kids will follow Ruth and Naomi’s journey from Moab to Bethlehem. Along the way, they’ll love learning how God always keeps His promises! Five days of Christ-centered activities will help kids see that God is always faithful. Included in the starter... [Show more]

  • Prix:$159.95
Habitudes Package

Habitudes Package

We all influence those around us. Sociologists tell us the most introverted of people will influence 10,000 others in an average lifetime. So how do you influence others? Do you even think about it? Do you make a positive difference in your world? How do you intentionally add value to the people in... [Show more]

  • Prix:$45.00
Steps to Discipleship DVD

Steps to Discipleship DVD

Steps to Discipleship by Ben Maxson is designed to help individuals grow in their relationship with God through an intentional discipleship process. This experience will lead you through a natural progression of decisions and life choices that will help move you into a growing discipleship walk with... [Show more]

  • Prix:$79.95
Surprised by Love Study Guide

Surprised by Love Study Guide

From Genesis to Revelation, Elizabeth Talbot beautifully unfolds the plan of redemption. Each lesson digs deep into the Word of God and teaches not only about God’s surprising love, but about His surprising plan for your life, about His surprising faithfulness, and His surprising grace, and much,... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.99
Family Seasons

Family Seasons

The bible is a book of relationships.   God created us to be in relationship with others. That’s why, when God created Adam, He said, “It is not good that man should be alone” (Gen.2:18, NKJV). In Adam’s case, God created an equal partner, Eve, to be his... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.99
Digital Discipleship and Evang mobi

Digital Discipleship and Evang mobi

Digital Discipleship & Evangelism starts by developing a model for using technology effectively in the digital world. Then, the author dives into areas that are important for online success. You’ll learn about: The seeker’s journey and how to communicate effectively to your... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
Christ's Way of Healing

Christ's Way of Healing

In this book we will focus on the healing miracles of Christ, their immediate and broader significance and application to our own lives.Healing was of vital importance to Christ and His ministry, hence He invested more time in that than preaching. His healing miracles were real and genuine, in... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95

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