It’s not easy being overweight. Whether you have dealt with extra weight most of your life or recently added excess pounds, your weight likely impacts many aspects of your life, and you may be bombarded with constant reminders of your condition. As you think about making a change,... [Show more]
Pursuing Hope: The Story of Justin Hanna gives insight into the journey through life after unimaginable loss. As you read this mother's heart-wrenching story, you will come to understand how God has used Vanessa's most difficult life experience to encourage others. It is a testimony that will... [Show more]
Open yourself to God’s presence. Ask God to speak to you and to reveal Himself through His Word. This Impressions Journal provides a pathway for you to study key texts and write your impressions in a year-long journey with God. Each week you will be presented with the text for the week. Every... [Show more]
Your best life is within reach. AdventHealth’s whole-person approach to care is designed to help you put your health – and your life – back into your own hands. It’s not just about healing what’s wrong, it’s about celebrating what’s right, and helping you... [Show more]
A l’aide ! Je suis un parent : être un parent chrétien dans le monde d’aujourd’hui inspirera et encouragera les parents, grands-parents, et personnes prenant soin des enfants, au cours de leur chemin pour faire de ces derniers des disciples. Ce livre se penche... [Show more]
Evangelism for children is an extremely important aspect of evangelism as a whole and a vital part of the ministry of the church. Buried Treasure provides you with an effective, Christ-centered way of not only sharing Jesus with children but also encouraging them to make decisions for Jesus... [Show more]
In this book we will focus on the healing miracles of Christ, their immediate and broader significance and application to our own lives.Healing was of vital importance to Christ and His ministry, hence He invested more time in that than preaching. His healing miracles were real and genuine, in... [Show more]
Beaucoup de circonstances peuvent t’avoir conduit à devenir un papa solo. Les obstacles sur ton chemin peuvent sembler implacables, inévitables et insurmontables. Et il y a de la stigmatisation à l’encontre des pères célibataires. Dans « Papa solo... [Show more]
Tu es peut-être une maman solo par choix, en raison d’une grossesse imprévue, suite à un divorce, à cause de la mort du père de ton enfant, d’un père absent, d’un abandon, ou d’une multitude d’autres possibilités. Les... [Show more]
Et si quelqu’un vous donnait un bloc de marbre de la plus belle qualité, avec pour tâche de créer un chef-d’oeuvre qui serait exposé pour être vu par le monde entier ? L’éducation des enfants est similaire, mais au lieu d’un bloc de... [Show more]