Breathing. We don’t put a lot of thought into it. At least under normal circumstances. Yet it’s vital. Beyond that, intentionally drawing fresh air into our lungs brings amazing physical and mental health benefits. What about prayer—praise and petition, the in and out of thanks and... [Show more]
For kids ages 8 to 12, our colorful, fun, and thoroughly educational Amazing Adventure Bible lessons give parents, pastors, teachers, and youth leaders a wonderful tool to reach any child with the good news — five 16 page lessons in total! Rescued from Slavery Across the Sea Bread of... [Show more]
This special Black History Month Study Guide is for additional Sabbath School Study, Prayer Meetings, Family Worship, Group Discussions, and Personal Devotion. This edition covers what the Word of God says about Social Justice and the Church. “Social Justice and Church Mission”... [Show more]
This special Black History Month Study Guide is for additional Sabbath School Study, Prayer Meetings, Family Worship, Group Discussions, and Personal Devotion. This edition covers what the Word of God says about Social Justice and the Church. “Social Justice and Church Mission”... [Show more]
Before His ascension, Jesus challenged us to "Go and make disciples!" There is no higher priority for the followers of Christ then to be invested personally in the ministry of leading others to Jesus. However, let's be candid, this command seems to be one of the hardest things God ever asks us to... [Show more]