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Justice and the Word of God Study GD

Justice and the Word of God Study GD

NOTE: This book will be relased in December 2021. This special Black History Month Study Guide is for churches and schools that would like to study Social Justice in the Word of God. Each week there will be different topics relating to justice: Social Justice in the Old Testament Justice and... [Show more]

  • Prix:$1.49
Pathfinder Bible Experience Patch

Pathfinder Bible Experience Patch

This patch is for those who participated in the Pathfinder Bible Experience.

  • Prix:$3.95
Social Justice and Emancipation

Social Justice and Emancipation

This special Black History Month Study Guide is for churches and schools who would like to study what the Word of God says about Emancipation. Each week there will be different topics relating to emancipation with daily lessons on that topic. • One Blood All Nations• A People Enslaved... [Show more]

  • Prix:$1.49
A Follower of Jesus: Bible Study Guide (Spanish)

A Follower of Jesus: Bible Study Guide (Spanish)

Following Jesus is like taking a journey. Members become discouraged. Some slip and fall and need help. There are dangerous places that require a helping hand. Often those who feel alone and without guidance quietly disappear. A Follower of Jesus looks at six ways Jesus established and grew His... [Show more]

  • Prix:$5.99
The Unbelievable Beatitudes

The Unbelievable Beatitudes

Many are familiar with Jesus’ famous words that lead His Sermon on the Mount. Those words have been cause for hope for Christians everywhere. They have also been cause for profound discussion regarding just how we should conduct ourselves in this broken world. But you’re about to delve into the... [Show more]

  • Prix:$5.99
Patriarchs of the Bible

Patriarchs of the Bible

This patch is given upon completion of the requirements for the Patriarchs of the Bible.

Alive Bible

Alive Bible

This patch is given upon completion of the requirements for the Alive Bible Honor.

Bible Fun Stuff: ACTive Bible Play

Bible Fun Stuff: ACTive Bible Play

Preschoolers love to play pretend. Now they can let their imaginations soar as they act out Bible stories with fanciful dress-ups, finger puppets, and role-plays. Dramatic play also helps little ones explore feelings and ideas as they learn to express themselves, act in social situations, and absorb... [Show more]

  • Prix:$19.95
Bible Evangelism

Bible Evangelism

This patch is given upon completion of the requirements for the Bible Evangelism Honor. Category: Vocational Skill Level: 2 Advanced Level?: No

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  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States