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Family Ministries Handbook (Spanish)

Family Ministries Handbook (Spanish)

Are you the Family Ministries leader in your church? Or, are you interested in knowing how to integrate the life of the church with the life of its families? The Family Ministries Handbook outlines the theoretical and philosophical frameworks for an effective ministry. You will find advice on... [Show more]

  • Prix:$11.95
Activity Supercharges Your Life

Activity Supercharges Your Life

This Life Guide is ideal for use individually or as part of a small group. Learn about the benefits of exercise and find ideas for how you can live a more healthy and balanced lifestyle. Paperback. Copyright 2013. 111 pages.

  • Prix:$12.95
Deacon and Deaconess Quick Start Guide (Espagnol)

Deacon and Deaconess Quick Start Guide (Espagnol)

This manual was written for local church deacons and deaconesses. Learn how many churches today are expanding the roles of the deacon and deaconess to include using their spiritual gifts in a variety of innovative ways to minister to the emotional and social needs of new members, people in crises,... [Show more]

  • Prix:$2.95
VBS 19 Director's Guide Spanish

VBS 19 Director's Guide Spanish

This Director’s Guide is designed to help you plan a fun and successful program for any size church. It includes a basic overview of the program along with detailed station information. You will also find ideas for recruiting and training volunteers, publicizing your program, staying connected... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.99
Teaching the Faith

Teaching the Faith

Remember your childhood? Well, forget it! It’s different now. Life is busier. Families more fractured. Innocence gone. You’re fighting media pressure. Moral vacuum. Reading’s out. See and do is in. Everything’s changed. Except the need to teach kids to love God. Only now you have better tools!... [Show more]

  • Prix:$19.95
Elder Care Ministry

Elder Care Ministry

We are an aging society. Average life expectancy in North America has dramatically increased. As a result, today’s seniors are generally in better health, have more money, and are more active. Your church can reach this growing segment of the population by starting an Elder Care Ministry to seniors... [Show more]

  • Prix:$8.95


Whether you have a full-blown family ministry in place or you're just getting started, Shift gives you a practical, workable plan that equips parents to be faith influencers in their homes—and you won't have to reconfigure your entire ministry to make it happen! Shift gets you in gear with tools... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Real Family Talk

Real Family Talk

The most challenging and the most important aspects of people's lives the world over are having meaningful and happy relationships. What God meant for harmony and symphonic communication often turns to frustration, fear, and despair. Being intentional about connecting and creating a positive and... [Show more]

  • Prix:$13.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States