
Résultats de la recherche

Teaching Children Track 2- Check-off Card

Teaching Children Track 2- Check-off Card

Teaching Children is part of NAD Children's Ministries Certification. Teaching Children imparts ideas and educational theories that help teach children in ways that are fun, dynamic, and spiritual.

  • Prix:$0.20
Family Ministries Handbook

Family Ministries Handbook

Are you the family ministries leader in your church? Or, are you interested in knowing how to integrate the life of the church with the life of its families? The Family Ministries Handbook outlines the theoretical and philosophical frameworks for an effective ministry. You will find advice on... [Show more]

  • Prix:$11.95
Communication Ideas for Local Churches

Communication Ideas for Local Churches

Here are five ways to brand your church and tell your story

Ideas for Holiday Ministry

How does your church reach out to the community during the holiday season?

Adventist Missions

Adventist Missions

Missions and the Ministry of the Church

Women's Ministries Handbook (Spanish)

Women's Ministries Handbook (Spanish)

This easy-to-use handbook is the complete resource for women's ministries directors. The user-friendly format includes detailed instructions on how to organize and plan for successful events. Discover how to use surveys to assess local needs and follow up with a field tested program or project... [Show more]

  • Prix:$5.00
31 Ways to Change Your World

31 Ways to Change Your World

31 Ways to Change Your World

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States