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A Guide to Parenting

A Guide to Parenting

Do you feel sometimes you’re losing the battle? Do you feel sometimes that you have actually lost? Your loss may be a relationship that went badly wrong, regret over an action you took or failed to take, an argument with your son or daughter, memories of a child who has left home, or the painful... [Show more]

  • Prix:$10.95


Research by renowned pollster George Barna points to a hidden revolution - one that will impact every Christian believer in America. Millions of committed Christ followers, looking for more of God, have stopped attending church on Sunday mornings. Why are they leaving? Where are they going? And what... [Show more]

  • Prix:$17.95
Ready 2 Go

Ready 2 Go

Looking for a new way to present old truth? Need a ready-made program without much prep work? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this book is for you! Ready 2 Go contains 15 power-packed interactive presentations designed to draw participants deeper into God's word. With engaging yet... [Show more]

  • Prix:$15.95
Sermons that Strengthen Families | Anglais

Sermons that Strengthen Families | Anglais

When people are in a happy and healthy marriage, they are more likely to be part of happy and healthy family. Families in which children are more likely to be discipled in the ways of God, people are more likely to practice faithful stewardship, and all are more likely to be strong witnesses for... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
A Fresh Look at Denominational Research: Role, Impact and Scope

A Fresh Look at Denominational Research: Role, Impact and Scope

This impressive and well-informed book of human-subject research is a first denominational publication which put together the history of denominational research, its role, philosophy, treatment, and challenges. Several actual fresh research-based studies are included. The intriguing part of this... [Show more]

  • Prix:$22.00
God Said it: OT Heroes #2

God Said it: OT Heroes #2

This book tells stories from the early kingdom of Israel. Samuel went to live with Eli the priest as a little boy. But he recognized God’s voice when it called to him, and, followed God’s commands even when it was hard. Israel wanted a king, even if it wasn’t in God’s plan.... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.99
God's Champions

God's Champions

Raise your young ones to be champions for God by delighting them with some gripping tales from the Scriptures as they learn the life stories of twenty-four of God’s heroes throughout the Bible. Teach your children to have the tact of Abigail, the courage of Caleb, the willingness of Philip and... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.99


Unconditional, always patient, selfless, and sincere. That is how the Bible defines love. Self-centered, demanding, unstable, and irritable. That is how our children experience love on the street, on TV, and even at the schoolyard. How can we teach them to pursue Jesus at young age? How do we... [Show more]

  • Prix:$12.99
Real Heal Deal -- Gen Z and Social

Real Heal Deal -- Gen Z and Social

Each generation must deal with the issues of its time. Frequently this means coming to terms with a new awareness. Sometimes the past helps, but that’s not guaranteed. Often the new perspectives of young people show naiveite, innocence, and sometimes great insight. From a Christian... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
The Queen's Crisis: Bible Time Adventures

The Queen's Crisis: Bible Time Adventures

The Queen's Crisis is an exciting children's chapter book about Farah, Mordecai's 11-year-old daughter. Farah is so excited that her second cousin Esther has been chosen to be the new queen of Persia! After befriending a boy in the King's court, Farah discovers Esther is now involved in a... [Show more]

  • Prix:$12.95

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