The greatest need in the local church is spiritual leaders. The local church needs to have leaders who will lead in their homes, in their workplaces, in their communities, and in their churches. Sitting in seminars does not develop leaders. Leaders develop by rubbing shoulders with other leaders and... [Show more]
Le Jeu biblique des Aventuriers est un défi biblique de groupe testant les connaissances des Aventuriers sur des passages des Écritures. Chaque année, un nouveau bloc de textes sacrés est choisi, et les Aventuriers, pleins d’enthousiasme, ainsi que leurs... [Show more]
Apurado, Preocupado y Sepultado ¿Usted tiene demasiado que hacer, está abrumado y al punto de romperse? Domar un horario inmanejable está a su alcance con los principios rectores en Apresurado, Preocupado, y Enterrado. Estas hermosas presentaciones PowePoint... [Show more]
The 2005 Family Ministries plan book emphasizes marriage and its effect on the whole family. The concepts of marriage change depending on the time period and the culture. The focus in this book is to recapture the institution and experience of marriage as it came from the Creator’s hand and as it... [Show more]
Welcome to Cactusville, one of the most adventurous towns in the Southwest! Cactusville is a mining town tucked away in the desert where the sun is always shining, the skies are bright blue, and the peaks of the surrounding mountains look like broken spurs. Yee-haw! Kids will experience a rip... [Show more]
Your heart is crushed. Finding it even difficult to breathe, you wake up to the reality that someone you treasure is gone. Death has stolen your loved one from your arms. Now the seemingly insurmountable difficult work of living through grief begins. Is there anything that can soothe this... [Show more]
Includes everything you need for Encounter lessons on Daniel and Revelation for the second quarter of 11th grade.
“No preacher is going to raise their hand to say, ‘I need help.” Seventh-day Adventist pastors face challenges with health and wellness, even with a beautiful whole-life health message ingrained in our faith tradition. We also live with the challenges of resilience, depression,... [Show more]
These fascinating DVDs combine documentary and drama to reveal the great stories of faith and controversy that have led to the emergence of the church. Allen Lindsay travels the globe to retell the stories of Martin Luther, the Waldenses, John Knox, and other great leaders. Contains English, German,... [Show more]
Llaves de Liberación, Rompiendo Cadenas de Adicción Los hábitos son nuestros amigos—cuando son buenos. Pero las adicciones secuestran nuestras mejores intenciones, y toman la forma de las drogas, el comportamiento, y la comida. Viviendo en Equilibrio le... [Show more]