
Résultats de la recherche

The Creation Story for Children

The Creation Story for Children

The Creation Story for Children, written and illustrated by David and Helen Haidle, is filled with vibrant images of the week of creation. The relevant Scripture for each creation day is included, as well as a child-friendly explanation of what occurred and questions designed to help readers reflect... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
  • Sale:$11.95
Get to Know You Cards - PDF Download

Get to Know You Cards - PDF Download

These cards contain 52 questions designed to help the youth and young adults in your group get to know each other. Your group will have so much fun that they will want to use these cards many times! An easy and fun way to begin meaningful friendships. Two sets of cards come in each package. 52 cards... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95


In an interview, Pastor Kevin Wilfley describes how his church completed an innovative and ambitious community outreach program that involved thousands.

Real Beauty Leader's Guide with CD

Real Beauty Leader's Guide with CD

Real Beauty is a seminar geared specifically toward helping teenage girls discover self-esteem through living as the beautiful women God created them to be. Through this seminar, teens will discover that real beauty is more than skin deep – it includes character, personality, and much more. This... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Real Friends Leader's Guide with CD

Real Friends Leader's Guide with CD

Real Friends is a seminar geared specifically toward helping teenage girls discover how to be a good friend, recognize the traits of a good friend, and become friends with God. This leader’s guide includes step-by-step instructions, a complete leader’s script, a PowerPoint presentation and... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Real Me Leader's Guide with CD

Real Me Leader's Guide with CD

Real Me is a seminar geared specifically toward helping teenage girls discover that God created them as a unique person, unlike anyone else on earth, and He loves them very much. This leader’s guide includes step-by-step instructions, a complete leader’s script, a PowerPoint presentation and... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Real Love Leaders Guide

Real Love Leaders Guide

Real Love is a seminar geared specifically toward helping teenage girls discover that God loves them and desires the very best for their relationships. This leader’s guide includes step-by-step instructions, a complete leader’s script, a PowerPoint presentation and sample participant’s journal... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States