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Sabbath School Handbook (Spanish)

Sabbath School Handbook (Spanish)

The Sabbath school is the most important group in the life of every Adventist congregation. Children's Sabbath school provides a complete religious educational experience that is age appropriate and focused on leading each child into a relationship with Jesus. Adults study the Bible, find... [Show more]

  • Prix:$8.95
Help! I'm A Parent - Spanish

Help! I'm A Parent - Spanish

In a national survey of the state of families in America (Bowman, 2012), parents reportedly believe that raising children today is more complicated than it used to be. Along with that, most perceived that the quality of American family life was declining. In addition, 55% of the parents surveyed... [Show more]

  • Prix:$11.95
  • Sale:$1.00
Transform Your Family (Spanish)

Transform Your Family (Spanish)

Este libro es parte de la serie iFollow, cuyo tema es el discipulado. En este libro, el autor presenta consejos muy acertados y efectivos para cómo llegar a conocer la voluntad de Dios para nuestra vida y cómo podemos llegar a ser fructíferos en nuestro servicio y alcance a los demás. El autor... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.99
Children's Ministries Certification Brochure

Children's Ministries Certification Brochure

The North American Division Children's Ministries Certification has 8 tracks in which you can be certified: Understanding Children, Teaching Children, Child Evangelism, Creative Arts, Leadership, Ministering to Parents, Reaching Pastors & Elders, and The Presenters. Each track has a theme. Of 10... [Show more]

  • Prix:Gratuit
1A.12  PreK-2 Year A - Parent Kit Download - Three Angels Curriculum

1A.12 PreK-2 Year A - Parent Kit Download - Three Angels Curriculum

This kit includes all materials required to teach the lessons plus student materials for one child. Homeschool Parent Guide with Lessons. Spiral bound, color manual with clear, step-by-step directions for homeschool families. Ten positive, upbeat lessons share the incredible love of God with... [Show more]

  • Prix:Gratuit
32A.12 Grades 3-4 Year A - Parent Kit Download - Three Angels Curriculum

32A.12 Grades 3-4 Year A - Parent Kit Download - Three Angels Curriculum

This kit includes all materials required to teach the lessons plus student materials for one child.  Homeschool Parent Guide with lessons. Spiral bound, color manual with clear, step-by-step directions for homeschool families.  This engaging, student-friendly curriculum is based on... [Show more]

  • Prix:Gratuit
3A.5 Grades 5-6 Year A - Parent Kit Download - Three Angels Curriculum

3A.5 Grades 5-6 Year A - Parent Kit Download - Three Angels Curriculum

This kit includes all materials required to teach the lessons plus student materials for one child. Homeschool Parent Guide with lessons. Spiral bound, color manual with clear, step-by-step directions for homeschool families.  Lessons share the incredible love of God as demonstrated in the... [Show more]

  • Prix:Gratuit
4A.5 Grades 7-8 Year A Parent Kit Download - Three Angels Curriculum

4A.5 Grades 7-8 Year A Parent Kit Download - Three Angels Curriculum

This kit includes all materials required to teach the lessons plus student materials for one child.  Homeschool Parent Guide with lessons. Spiral bound, color manual with clear, step-by-step directions for homeschool families.  Lessons share the incredible love of God as demonstrated... [Show more]

  • Prix:Gratuit
God Said It: Old Testament Heroes #3 | Book #6, Spanish

God Said It: Old Testament Heroes #3 | Book #6, Spanish

Este libro cuenta historias sobre Salomón, el hombre más sabio que jamás haya existido; Elijah, el profeta que se enfrentó al dios pagano Baal; Eliseo, el profeta que escuchó la voz de Dios; y Nehemías, el líder que reedificó la ciudad de... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.99
God Said It: Old Testament Heroes #2 | Book #5, Spanish

God Said It: Old Testament Heroes #2 | Book #5, Spanish

Este libro cuenta historias del primitivo reino de Israel. Samuel se fue a vivir con Elí el sacerdote, cuando era niño. Pero reconoció la voz de Dios cuando lo llamó y siguió los mandamientos de Dios incluso cuando fue difícil. Israel quería un rey,... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.99

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States