
Résultats de la recherche

Écusson Explorateur | Fédération du Mid-America Union 2020

Écusson Explorateur | Fédération du Mid-America Union 2020

This patch shows elements from each conference in the Mid-America Union. All MAU Pathfinders will want to add this to their collection!

Pathfinder Junior Girls' Uniform Blouse (Long Sleeve)

Pathfinder Junior Girls' Uniform Blouse (Long Sleeve)

This blouse is part of AdventSource's official line of NAD Pathfinder uniforms. Tan blouse with two pleated front pockets and epaulets 65/35 poly-cotton blend Measuring Tips Bust: Place the tape measure under your arms and measure completely around the body over the fullest part of your bust.... [Show more]

Master Guide 6 Bar Badge - No Pins

Master Guide 6 Bar Badge - No Pins

This Master Guide bar badge is 3.5 inches wide and holds six bars. Note: Bars sold separately.

  • Prix:$15.00
Adventurer Club Manual (Spanish)

Adventurer Club Manual (Spanish)

The Adventurer Staff Manual is a must for leaders who are going to have a first class club. This manual carefully outlines the philosophy and objectives of the Adventurer organization. Also gives a detailed description of an individual Adventurer and a wealth of knowledge, ideas, and plans to help... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
General Conference Pathfinder Reconciled Anniversary Pin

General Conference Pathfinder Reconciled Anniversary Pin

Celebrate 70 years of Pathfinder ministry with this official pin! This pin reads: General Conference Adventist Youth Ministries | Reconciled | Where I Belong - 1950-2020.

  • Prix:$5.00
Adventurer Club Manual

Adventurer Club Manual

The Adventurer Club Manual is a must for leaders who are going to have a first-class club. This manual carefully outlines the philosophy and objectives of the Adventurer organization and gives a detailed description of an individual Adventurer as well as a wealth of knowledge, ideas, and plans to... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Faithfact Discipleship Manual

Faithfact Discipleship Manual

In this guide you will find twenty-eight Bible studies for personal or group study. Each is designed to guide you into a personal or group study that will help lead you down the pathway from spiritual seeker to a lifelong disciple and disciple-maker of Jesus. The studies are divided into four... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
Badge JA | Migration

Badge JA | Migration

This patch is given to Pathfinders on completion of the requirements for the Migration Honor.

Family Ministries Handbook (Spanish)

Family Ministries Handbook (Spanish)

Are you the Family Ministries leader in your church? Or, are you interested in knowing how to integrate the life of the church with the life of its families? The Family Ministries Handbook outlines the theoretical and philosophical frameworks for an effective ministry. You will find advice on... [Show more]

  • Prix:$11.95
TLT Director's Guide

TLT Director's Guide

The Teen Leadership Training (TLT) program is designed to challenge teens with new and increased responsibilities in the Pathfinder Club. This four-year program allows for TLTs to gain leadership skills by working alongside Pathfinder staff and a TLT mentor. TLTs will gain experience in:... [Show more]

  • Prix:$6.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States