
Résultats de la recherche

Service Star Pin - Year Twenty

Service Star Pin - Year Twenty

Awarded by the conference to Pathfinder staff who have served for twenty years. Pin is worn on the left pocket flap of the Class A uniform.

Service Star Pin - Year Twenty-Five

Service Star Pin - Year Twenty-Five

Awarded by the conference to Pathfinder staff who have served for two years. Pin is worn on the left pocket flap of the Class A uniform.

Service Star Pin - Year Fifteen

Service Star Pin - Year Fifteen

Awarded by the conference to Pathfinder staff who have served for fifteen years. Pin is worn on the left pocket flap of the Class A uniform.

Service Star Pin - Year Thirty

Service Star Pin - Year Thirty

Awarded by the conference to Pathfinder staff who have served for thirty years. Pin is worn on the left pocket flap of the Class A uniform.

Service Star Pin - Year Fifty

Service Star Pin - Year Fifty

Awarded by the conference to Pathfinder staff who have served for fifty years. Pin is worn on the left pocket flap of the Class A uniform.

Service Star Pin - Year Forty

Service Star Pin - Year Forty

Awarded by the conference to Pathfinder staff who have served for forty years. Pin is worn on the left pocket flap of the Class A uniform.

Faith Community Nursing DVD - The Healing Heart

Faith Community Nursing DVD - The Healing Heart

The Faith Community Nursing ministry operates through the skills of registered nurses serving within a ministerial setting and functioning within a health ministry.This complete manual will help you learn more about starting a local Faith Community Nursing program, recruiting nursing staff,... [Show more]

  • Prix:$11.95
Deacon and Deaconess Quick Start Guide

Deacon and Deaconess Quick Start Guide

This manual was written for local church deacons and deaconesses. Learn how many churches today are expanding the roles of the deacon and deaconess to include using their spiritual gifts in a variety of innovative ways to minister to the emotional and social needs of new members, people in crises,... [Show more]

  • Prix:$2.95
WIN! Presenter's Manual

WIN! Presenter's Manual

El Ruido de las Bebidas A majority of Americans use caffeine in some form every day.  We examine the dangers of caffeine addiction and what you can do about it.  We also take a refreshing look at the benefits of drinking water. Estas hermosas presentaciones PowePoint están... [Show more]

  • Prix:$5.00
Service Star Pin - Year Thirty-Five

Service Star Pin - Year Thirty-Five

Awarded by the conference to Pathfinder staff who have served for thirty-five years. Pin is worn on the left pocket flap of the Class A uniform.

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States