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Fiercely Faithful VBS Bible Story Station

Fiercely Faithful VBS Bible Story Station

At this station kids will learn a more about the story of Ruth each day. Activities and thought-provoking questions will engage the kids in each day’s story and help them tie it to the Resting Point.

  • Prix:$9.99
Thunder Island VBS Bible Story Station | Spanish

Thunder Island VBS Bible Story Station | Spanish

En esta estación, los niños escucharán historias del evangelio de Juan. Las actividades y las preguntas sugerentes harán que los niños disfruten la historia de cada día y les ayudarán a relacionarla con el Punto de Poder. • Día 1: La mujer del pozo • Día 2: El hombre en la... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.99
Thunder Island VBS Bible Story Station

Thunder Island VBS Bible Story Station

At this station kids will hear stories from the gospel of John. Activities and thought-provoking questions will engage the kids in each day’s story and help them tie it to the Power Point. • Day 1: Woman at the Well • Day 2: Man at the Pool of Bethesda • Day 3: Jesus’... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.99
VBX 18 Daily Bible Posters (set of 5)

VBX 18 Daily Bible Posters (set of 5)

This set includes posters that corresponds with each day's Bible story at VBX.

  • Prix:$4.99
VBX Simona's House (Bible Story)

VBX Simona's House (Bible Story)

This is the station where children experience the Bible story. Day 1: Jesus Call Us to Follow Him (Mark 1:17) Day 2: Jesus Sets Us Free (Mark 5:41) Day 3: Jesus Helps Us Overcome Fear (Mark 6:50) Day 4: Jesus Died to Save Us (Mark 8:29) Day 5: Jesus Cares for Me so I Can Care for Others (John... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.99
Épingles PBE 2023 | Expérience biblique des Explorateurs

Épingles PBE 2023 | Expérience biblique des Explorateurs

Pathfinders who participate in the 2023 Pathfinder Bible Experience will love this set of 7 pins: Jesus' Baptism Wedding in Cana God So Loved the World Woman at the Well Walking on Water Washing the Disciples' Feet Jesus' Side Pierced

  • Prix:$35.00
Good News for Today

Good News for Today

Series of 24 Bible study lessons for children ages 9-12, best for those in grades 5 and up. These lessons are designed to help students develop their Biblical research skills by looking for answers to specific questions, analyzing facts, making comparisons, and drawing conclusions. The author's... [Show more]

  • Prix:$6.95
The Puzzle Block Bible - God Saves Daniel & His Friends

The Puzzle Block Bible - God Saves Daniel & His Friends

The Puzzle Block Bible series a new and fun way to teach young children their favorite Bible stories. As they play with the puzzle blocks, they will repeat the stories over and over again and slowly work them into their imagination and their faith. Copyright 2010.

  • Prix:$11.95
VBS 20 Discovery (bible story) Eng

VBS 20 Discovery (bible story) Eng

At this station kids will hear about kid heroes of the Bible. Activities and thought-provoking questions will engage the kids in each day’s story and help them tie it to the day’s Action Point. Day 1: Miriam Day 2: Samuel Day 3: Nora, Naaman’s Servant Girl Day 4: Rhoda Day 5:... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.99

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States