
Résultats de la recherche

How to Interpret Scripture 2Q2020 BB

How to Interpret Scripture 2Q2020 BB

Through Scripture, God reveals His plan of redemption for humankind, bringing joy, hope, and peace to those who claim His name by faith and accept His priceless gift. His ancient love letter, dispatched through the pens of more than 40 authors over 1,500 years, leads us into an obedient relationship... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Thunder in the Holy Land (DVD)

Thunder in the Holy Land (DVD)

From the producer of the classic series In Search of the Truth, QuestLine Productions presents Thunder in the Holy Land, a visually stunning, all-new video Bible study series shot in HD. Filmed in a National Geographic style, Thunder features on-location reporters throughout the... [Show more]

  • Prix:$165.00
Winning Ways to Witness audio CD

Winning Ways to Witness audio CD

Adventists are faced with the predicament of fulfilling Christ's missional mandate with a taskforce that is largely reluctant to witness. Winning Ways to Witness introduces a training process that utilizes a variety of witnessing styles. This multidimensional approach better involves more members... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Relating to People of Various Religi

Relating to People of Various Religi

The Personal Ministries Training Course includes nine units that are arranged so leaders in outreach can become more effective both personally and in leading others in witnessing. The courses are divided into three segments: Core Units, Essential Skills and Member-Led Public Evangelism. In the... [Show more]

  • Prix:$4.95
God's Answers to Your Questions (Spanish Only)

God's Answers to Your Questions (Spanish Only)

This quick reference guide is a useful tool for small groups, Bible studies, personal devotions, and many other situations. It references major biblical themes and includes the most common and most difficult questions. This magabook responds with Biblical answers that put doubt to rest.

  • Prix:$5.95
Jesus: The Giver - The Gift

Jesus: The Giver - The Gift

A friendship unlike any other in the universe has been freely offered by the One who created all things. Jesus: The Giver - The Gift explores the relationship our Savior longs to have with each one of us. These lessons are designed to be adapted for use with young people from middle school through... [Show more]

  • Prix:$3.95
Invitation: Leader's guide

Invitation: Leader's guide

I have heard about Jesus all my life. Who was he? What was his mission? How does his life, ministry, death and resurrection affect my life today? Even more important--why should I follow his life and teachings? He invites us on a journey with others to peer into his life and ministry, and wrestle... [Show more]

  • Prix:$5.95
Invitation: Participants Guide

Invitation: Participants Guide

I have heard about Jesus all my life. Who was he? What was his mission? How does his life, ministry, death and resurrection affect my life today? Even more important--why should I follow his life and teachings? He invites us on a journey with others to peer into his life and ministry, and wrestle... [Show more]

  • Prix:$3.95
What We Believe for Guide Readers

What We Believe for Guide Readers

Ever heard a bull talk?  It really happened and you'll read about it in this book! What We Believe for Guide Readers has 28 true stories about modern-day Daniels and Esthers who lived what the Bible teaches. Through those stories and the accompanying Bible Studies, learn about the Adventist... [Show more]

  • Prix:$13.99
Let's Talk About Jesus

Let's Talk About Jesus

Want some small group discussion starters? Use these prompts to get your group going. Steve Case draws on his love for Scripture, personal experiences, and training by taking a passage of Scripture and offering questions that draw out the meanings that lead to personal applications of the... [Show more]

  • Prix:$6.95

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