
Résultats de la recherche

Getting It Right

Getting It Right

The General Conference Department of Youth Ministry has searched the world and found more then 35 experienced youth ministry mavens who are passionate about leading young people into the kingdom of God. Their combined expertise presents the most comprehensive, concentrated, proactive, informative,... [Show more]

  • Prix:$19.95

Domestic Abuse (:30)

This is one of the spots that the North American Division has produced over the last two decades.

Magabook Ministry

Chronicles the story of young colporteurs in Georgia who spend the summer selling magazines and books.

Don't Drink and Drive

This is one of the spots that the North American Division has produced over the last two decades.

Growing Pains

A short mission clip showing the explosive growth in Central America and the great need for church buildings.

Domestic Abuse (:60)

This is one of the spots that the North American Division has produced over the last two decades.

Jesus Is Coming Again

This is one of the spots that the North American Division has produced over the last two decades.

Love Must Grow

This is one of the many spots that the North American Division has produced over the last two decades.

AIDS Friend (:60)

This is one of the spots that the North American Division has produced over the last two decades.

Don't Believe In Can't

This is one of the spots that the North American Division has produced over the last two decades.

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States