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DVD Mission Spotlight | 2ème trimestre 2021

DVD Mission Spotlight | 2ème trimestre 2021

Lorsque vous commandez cet ordre permanent gratuit du 2e trimestre, vous recevrez des DVD Mission Spotlight au cours d'une année ou plus, cet ordre permanent peut être annulé à tout moment pour vous en ligne ou en appelant à AdventSource. Les langues sont l'anglais,... [Show more]

  • Prix:Gratuit
DVD Mission Spotlight  | 4ème trimestre 2021

DVD Mission Spotlight | 4ème trimestre 2021

  Lorsque vous commandez cet abonnement gratuit d'un an, vous recevrez quatre DVD Mission Spotlight au cours d'une année. Les langues sont l'anglais, le français, le portugais et l'espagnol. Veuillez noter : il y a des frais d'expédition de 12,00 $ par an pour cet... [Show more]

  • Prix:Gratuit
Steps to Christ: The Hopeful Edition

Steps to Christ: The Hopeful Edition

Do you know someone who’s searching for answers or maybe just wants to deepen their relationship with Jesus in a very practical way? If so, you can’t do much better than Steps to Christ. There’s a reason this little book has been translated into more than 165 languages and... [Show more]

  • Prix:$12.00
Giving Personal Bible Studies

Giving Personal Bible Studies

God has given us the privilege and joy of sharing His love and message for today through Bible studies. There is no better way to grow strong in the Word than to help others discover a relationship with Jesus through biblical truth. This book walks you through all steps of giving a Bible study from... [Show more]

  • Prix:$1.95
Mountain of Miracles VBS Kit

Mountain of Miracles VBS Kit

At this Vacation Bible School kids will explore Mountain of Miracles, a place where God's love is rock solid! They’ll love learning more about Jesus through Bible stories from the Gospel of John. Five days of Christ-centered activities will help kids see that God is always with us. Kit... [Show more]

  • Prix:$179.95
  • Sale:$129.95
Espanol-Viviendo Libre: Nicotina DL

Espanol-Viviendo Libre: Nicotina DL

The Living Free Quit Nicotine program is a ten-session lifestyle program designed to help individuals quit smoking—for good! It combines educational, inspirational, and motivational elements along with an aggressive lifestyle approach to detoxifying, rebuilding, and... [Show more]

  • Prix:$50.00
Espanol-Viviendo Equilibrio 26 set D

Espanol-Viviendo Equilibrio 26 set D

Estas hermosas y concisas presentaciones de PowerPoint son ideales para presentaciones cortas. Corresponden bellamente con nuestros folletos de “Viviendo en Equilibrio”. Cada presentación de Power Point se puede descargar y viene con un guión de PDF.

  • Prix:$75.00
Encounter 1-Christ the Way (Spanish)

Encounter 1-Christ the Way (Spanish)

This year-long Bible reading plan effectively blends the four gospels with excerpts from the Desire of Ages. This series promises to guide you through 365 days with Jesus! Required for the Master Guide training program.

  • Prix:$0.50
VBX 18 Starter Kit Spanish

VBX 18 Starter Kit Spanish

PLEASE NOTE: This product will ship on Jan. 30, 2018. Welcome to Sea of Miracles VBX, where kids get caught by Jesus’ love! This awesome program will show kids the power of Jesus' love and what it means for us. Each day at Sea of Miracles kids will explore Galilee during Jesus’ time and experience... [Show more]

  • Prix:$159.99
  • Sale:$99.95
Andrews Bible Commentary - New Testament

Andrews Bible Commentary - New Testament

The Andrews Bible Commentary is a companion to the Andrews Study Bible. Together they provide a remarkably comprehensive and concise Bible study resource. You will be led to a life of service for Christ and the hope of His soon return. The Andrews Bible Commentary is written... [Show more]

  • Prix:$69.99

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States