
Résultats de la recherche

You Can Understand the Book of Revelation

You Can Understand the Book of Revelation

Some Christians say Revelation is a closed book and not meant for human understanding. Actually, the word Revelation means “unveiling,” and the first chapter of Revelation promises a blessing to all who read and take it to heart. Other readers study Revelation over and over but end up... [Show more]

  • Prix:$12.95
do justice, Love mercy - Leader's Guide

do justice, Love mercy - Leader's Guide

When thinking of the term “justice,” some people might picture a courtroom, handcuffs, a police car, or maybe even a jail cell. Some might even think of Marvel Comics’ “Justice League,” complete with superheroes in their colorful spandex and capes. But what does “justice” mean when it’s used in... [Show more]

  • Prix:$4.99
Episodes in Visions

Episodes in Visions

In this book, each episode has its own full Bible text, key thought, major objective, overview, and discussion with practical implications. The book is written from a preacher's prospective to give hope to a cringing spirit because of the foundations of human society are crumbling. God is in... [Show more]

  • Prix:$22.95
  • Sale:$10.00
Revelation 101: Finding Jesus in the Book of Revelation-Presenter's Manual

Revelation 101: Finding Jesus in the Book of Revelation-Presenter's Manual

This 576-page manual contains everything a presenter needs to give a Revelation 101 seminar. This includes the following components for each of the 10 sessions (90 minutes per session): One-page, brief outline Full outline (5-7 pages) Verbatim (a word-for-word presentation of the entire... [Show more]

  • Prix:$149.95
The Richest Caveman DVD

The Richest Caveman DVD

The extraordinary true story of Doug Batchelor, son of a millionaire father and show-business mother. Find out how God turned a rebellious teenager living in a cave into a tremendous soul-winner for Jesus Christ.Here is the personal testimony of Pastor Doug Batchelor and how God brought him from a... [Show more]

  • Prix:$8.95
VBS 20 Stand-ups (5) with easel

VBS 20 Stand-ups (5) with easel

Use these stand-ups to introduce each day’s Bible hero at VBS.

  • Prix:$100.00
Toward A Theology of Beauty

Toward A Theology of Beauty

Over the centuries, theological studies have grappled with the comprehension of Truth and Goodness. However, theology, unlike philosophy, has neglected serious scrutiny of Beauty or Aesthetics. Jo Anne Davidson's Toward a Theology of Beauty investigates this omission. Why should aesthetic... [Show more]

  • Prix:$32.00
Answering the Most Important Questions

Answering the Most Important Questions

Answering the Most Important Questions Study Guide Set (12 Lessons) Designed to stem the tide of teens leaving our churches, these 12 study guides address some of the biggest questions today’s youth are grappling with, such as:  Does God Really... [Show more]

  • Prix:$11.95
7 Keys for Finding Jesus in the Book of Revelation

7 Keys for Finding Jesus in the Book of Revelation

The Gospel of John presents wonderful stories about Jesus Christ. And 1 John contains many quotable verses that encourage faith, hope and love. How could the same author write the book of Revelation? The enigmatic symbols, fearsome beasts, violence and destruction and apostasy seem so different from... [Show more]

  • Prix:$7.77
Temple 3D Puzzle

Temple 3D Puzzle

Learn about the temple while assembling this wooden 3D puzzle! It's great for kids and adults alike. Use it at church school, Sabbath School, or Vacation Bible School for educational fun. 

  • Prix:$19.95

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