
Résultats de la recherche

Your Story Hour

Your Story Hour

Your Story Hour

The Inviting Church

The Inviting Church

A BIG PART of making disciples is moving them from “learners” to doers. The Inviting Church makes disciples who invite guests to your special services and outreach events. Even those disciples who said they had no one to invite found a change of heart. The Inviting Church is a balanced approach of... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Complete Set -- Quick Start Guide

Complete Set -- Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guides are a series of booklets designed to help local church leaders start or revitalize a ministry. Each Quick Start Guide contains a job description, instructions for getting started, tips for maintaining a successful ministry, troubleshooting suggestions, recommended resources, and... [Show more]

  • Prix:$79.95
A Deeper Look at Your Church - Bible Study Guide

A Deeper Look at Your Church - Bible Study Guide

A Deeper Look at Your Church is a book every new Adventist should read (along with those who are not so new, but could use a refresher). It is really “the rest of the story” from what you heard during evangelism—stated in terms of discipleship. A Deeper Look at Your Church doesn’t revisit... [Show more]

  • Prix:$5.99
5E.1 Grades 9-12 - Three Cosmic Messages Capstone Course Teachers Kit- Three Angels Curriculum

5E.1 Grades 9-12 - Three Cosmic Messages Capstone Course Teachers Kit- Three Angels Curriculum

Teacher’s Guide.  71-page, spiral bound, color manual with North American Division standards. Based on the book Three Cosmic Messages by Mark Finley, this course has been developed for junior and senior academy students who wish to gain additional Bible credit by taking an honors Bible... [Show more]

  • Prix:$39.95
Jesus' Dream Team

Jesus' Dream Team

Teamwork is a concept that has existed since ancient times. Jesus provided the best example for establishing an organized urban evangelistic model that shared a relevant yet unpopular message in extremely hostile conditions. Despite facing opposition to the gospel message, Jesus demonstrated the... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
Manual pour le Club Chef-Guide | Livre

Manual pour le Club Chef-Guide | Livre

Le parcours de formation du Chef-Guide se concentre sur le développement du leadership, sur le discipulat et l'évangélisation. Les membres du club devront : Mettre l'accent su la croissance spirituelle et personnelle pour un relation plus intime avec Christ.  Apporter leur... [Show more]

  • Prix:$4.95
Portfolio du Chef-Guide

Portfolio du Chef-Guide

  Le parcours de formation du Chef-Guide se concentre sur le développement du leadership, sur le discipulat et l'évangélisation. Dans le cadre de la finalisation des prérequis pour le chef-guide, les individus devront : Mettre l'accent su la croissance... [Show more]

  • Prix:$4.95
Prayer Ministries Quick Start Guide (Espagnol)

Prayer Ministries Quick Start Guide (Espagnol)

Does your church have a prayer ministry? Should your church have a prayer ministry? What is the difference between encouraging people to pray and having a prayer ministry? The answers to these questions, along with many others, are found in this book. This is an easy-to-use, complete guidebook for... [Show more]

  • Prix:$2.95
Master Guide Club Manual | Spanish

Master Guide Club Manual | Spanish

The Master Guide Club focuses on leadership development, discipleship, outreach, and evangelism. Members of the club will: Emphasize spiritual and personal growth for a more intimate relationship with Christ.  Provide Master Guide Leadership... [Show more]

  • Prix:$4.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States