This program covers the basics of an average church service, condensed in to the child's Sabbath school hour. By including a significant section of the program which deals with the "church" service aspect of Sabbath morning, we are not attempting to advocate actual church service attendance for... [Show more]
The Sabbath school is the most important group in the life of every Adventist congregation. Children's Sabbath school provides a complete religious educational experience that is age appropriate and focused on leading each child into a relationship with Jesus. Adults study the Bible, find... [Show more]
Building Family Memories was created for pastors and ministry leaders in their work with families in and out of the church, serving as a catalyst to help them create memories of joy that will help families to be ready for the coming of Jesus Christ. From sermons to seminars, children’s stories to... [Show more]
Tamyra Horst knows that true prayer is not idle repetition. While her husband was excited about having a baby in the house, she was more frightened and unsure about parenting than she had been about anything else in her life. So she did the one thing she knew how to do – she began praying like crazy... [Show more]
One of the Unique Challenges in our church is to understand the ministry of Ellen White and how it should impact us as Adventists. This can especially be difficult for children if we want them to become lifelong Adventists with faith in the Bible and in our church's doctrines, then we must make sure... [Show more]
In a national survey of the state of families in America (Bowman, 2012), parents reportedly believe that raising children today is more complicated than it used to be. Along with that, most perceived that the quality of American family life was declining. In addition, 55% of the parents surveyed... [Show more]
Manual: Guía para el Director de Sea of Miracles Esta guía para el director tiene toda la información necesaria para planificar su programa de Sea of Miracles [Mar de Milagros]. Tiene descripciones de los trabajos del personal, cómo reclutar voluntarios, cómo equipar a los líderes de las... [Show more]
Manual: Casa de Simona (Estación de historias de la Biblia) Esta es la estación donde los niños experimentan las historias bíblicas. Día 1: Jesús nos llama a seguirlo. Día 2: Jesús nos libera Día 3: Jesús nos ayuda a superar el miedo Día 4: Jesús murió para salvarnos Día 5: Jesús se... [Show more]
Manual: Cima de la Montaña (Estación de oración) Los niño experimentaran maneras creativas de orar y descubrían la alegría de orar y pasar tiempo con Jesús. Día 1: Los niños crearán un escondite secreto único para recordarles a pasar tiempo de calidad con Jesús. Cada niño hará un dibujo con una... [Show more]
Kids will place these paw prints on the Trackers Map during the closing program each day at VBS. You'll need one set of paw prints for each tribe at your VBS. Copyright 2018.