Deep Calling: On Being and Growing Disciples is a wholistic discipleship movement. Discipleship and disciple-making that emphasizes a life-long process, not a destination. It’s about making space for God in the every day, bearing witness to transformation in the ordinary.... [Show more]
Children love these Bible stories which feature beautiful animations and class interaction. Parents appreciate the practical manner of teaching that makes the gospel relevant to children’s daily lives. These lessons aid parents and teachers in developing children’s characters into jewels that will... [Show more]
Choice is the first step toward improving your wellbeing. Before we can achieve positive changes in any area of our lives, we must choose to do so. Conscious decision-making is the key to experiencing the positive impact of good choices. In Part 1 of Creating Healthy Habits for Life, you'll learn... [Show more]
"Am I an effective Christian?" This book gives you the tools to answer with a confident, "Yes!" Learn principles for effective Christian living through storytelling and simple memory devices. The NEW Church will inspire and empower you to make the most of your Christian experience and help others... [Show more]
This book contains keys to unlock your church's full potential. Based on biblical principles, this tool shows how to reach out and touch all God wants to give your church. You'll find: An introduction to the Spirit of Prophecy and biblical reasons for the church to be healthy A Seventh-day... [Show more]
This book is your key to unlocking the secrets of using visitation to bring souls to Christ. Creating a successful visitation program is an art. Fortunately, it is an art that can be acquired by any dedicated Christian. In this practical book you will discover valuable advice for making your... [Show more]
Welcoming churches are growing churches. This book gives you the tools to help your church grow by giving you the tools to create a Sabbath School atmosphere that keeps visitors coming back. You’ll learn about selecting and training receptionists, the art of making people feel welcome, and do’s and... [Show more]
Over the years the Adventist Church has become increasingly involved in short-term overseas service. Until this time, we have lacked an instructional manual or textbook that could help people prepare for these trips. Pastor Lary Brown's experience with organizing mission trips makes this book... [Show more]
Wilderness Survival is the perfect, pocket-sized folding guide on how to stay alive in the wilderness. The guide highlights basic first aid, building a shelter, signaling for help, foraging for food and water, fire-making, edible plants and navigating through the wilderness. Laminated for... [Show more]