This essay poses concepts and questions for Adventists to consider when thinking about their relationship as a Christian to the greater community. In particular, should an Adventist serve in the military, in law enforcement agencies, or intelligence gathering? Is such service incompatible with... [Show more]
It’s time to celebrate! During 2010 the worldwide Pathfinder organization of the Seventh-day Adventist Church will officially turn 60 years old. This book contains everything you need to plan a Pathfinder Diamond Jubilee Celebration for your church. This booklet contains complete instructions... [Show more]
It is no secret that pastoral wives are some of the best cooks in the world. Whether preparing huge quantities of food for potluck dinners or entertaining angels unawares, food and fellowship form an integral part of their lives. Now these special women share their favorite lacto-ovo vegetarian... [Show more]
The local church stewardship leader has a vital role as a planner and as an educator. The true ministry of a stewardship leader lies in encouraging believers in the best use of all the resources God has provided, including the management of abilities, time, one’s body, and material... [Show more]
Habits are our friends—when they are good ones. But addictions hijack our best intentions, and take the form of drugs, behavior, and food. Living Free shows you how to overcome any addiction. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: Once your purchase is complete you will receive an... [Show more]
If you’ve read Growing Young, you know how important it is to engage young people in your church. But how? Even when we bring our best intentions to these conversations, the dialogue somehow flops. This comprehensive 43-page guide is the perfect handbook for any adult looking for a... [Show more]
At this station kids will learn a new Bible story each day. Activities and thought-provoking questions will engage the kids in each day’s story and help them tie it to the Daily Find. This manual includes two versions of the Bible story station – one incorporating puppet videos and one... [Show more]
Social media is one of the best ways to reach people with the gospel message. Learn how your church can reach people around the world, on whatever social network they use, via any device they pick up. Copyright 2013. 71 pages. DOWNLOAD INSTRUCTIONS: Once your purchase is complete you will... [Show more]
A church functions best when all of its leaders work as a unified body. Spirit-Led Leadership is a study guide for local church leaders wishing to improve their leadership skills. It contains thirteen lessons on different aspects of biblical leadership complete with thought-provoking questions,... [Show more]
Ministry is messy. People don't respond as you would like. Plans fail. Issues develop. You can have your best day and your worst day, all in the same day. Here is some help for the journey. Min-is-TRY is a a resource that contains 50 practical tips, ideas and encouragement for your... [Show more]