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Parents TrainUp - DVD

Parents TrainUp - DVD

Today’s teens are faced with so many challenges on the path to becoming responsible adults. Parents have a unique challenge in raising teens who have strong morals and achieve their full potential. TrainUp is a ministry designed to equip parents to empower their teenagers through training,... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
Relationships Where Love is in Place - Family Ministries Planbook

Relationships Where Love is in Place - Family Ministries Planbook

How do churches help build relationships with love in place? This planbook was created to assist pastors and church leaders in creating an intentional plan to help the members of their churches develop loving relationships. From sermons and children’s stories to articles and book reviews you will... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Growing Disciples : 2017 Planbook - GC Edition

Growing Disciples : 2017 Planbook - GC Edition

Growing Disciples is for pastors and ministry leaders in their work with families in and out of the church. We hope the resources found in this volume will help develop healthier families, which invariably result in healthier churches that can reach the world with power and joy to help hasten the... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
Sermons that Strengthen Families | Espagnol

Sermons that Strengthen Families | Espagnol

When people are in a happy and healthy marriage, they are more likely to be part of happy and healthy family. Families in which children are more likely to be discipled in the ways of God, people are more likely to practice faithful stewardship, and all are more likely to be strong witnesses for... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
Help! I'm a Parent Ages 13-18 - Book/DVD

Help! I'm a Parent Ages 13-18 - Book/DVD

In a national survey of the state of families in America (Bowman, 2012), parents reportedly believe that raising children today is more complicated than it used to be. Along with that, most perceived that the quality of American family life was declining. In addition, 55% of the parents surveyed... [Show more]

  • Prix:$69.95
Healthy Families for Eternity:Family Ministries Planbook 2016 (NAD Edition)

Healthy Families for Eternity:Family Ministries Planbook 2016 (NAD Edition)

Healthy Families for Eternity is for pastors and ministry leaders in their work with families in and out of the church. We hope the resources found in this volume will help develop healthier families, which invariably result in healthier churches that can reach the world with power and joy to help... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
Des sermons pour consolider la famille | Livre

Des sermons pour consolider la famille | Livre

Le bonheur et la santé du couple se reflètent dans la famille. On y rencontre des enfants élevés selon les principes divins, des adultes se révélant de fidèles économes, ce qui dénote un témoignage puissant en faveur de la... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
2021 FM Resource bk-Unity in Communi

2021 FM Resource bk-Unity in Communi

Unity in Community is for pastors and ministry leaders in their work with families in and out of the church. We hope the resources found in this volume will help develop healthier families, which invariably result in healthier churches that can reach the world with power and joy to help hasten the... [Show more]

  • Prix:$11.95
Family Resilience - FM Planbook 2022

Family Resilience - FM Planbook 2022

Family Resilience is for pastors and ministry leaders in their work with families in and out of the church. The resources found in this volume will help develop healthier families, which invariably results in healthier churches that can reach the world with power and joy to help hasten the coming of... [Show more]

  • Prix:$11.95

Children's Church As Ministry

Children's Church As Ministry

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States