
Résultats de la recherche

Youth Culture

Youth Culture

ABZ's of Adventist Youth Ministry

Youth Leadership Convention

Youth Leadership Convention

ABZ's of Adventist Youth Ministry

Youth Pastor

Youth Pastor

ABZ's of Adventist Youth Ministry

How to Grow Your Own Ministry

How to Grow Your Own Ministry

Prayer Ministries Quick Start Guide (Espagnol)

Prayer Ministries Quick Start Guide (Espagnol)

Does your church have a prayer ministry? Should your church have a prayer ministry? What is the difference between encouraging people to pray and having a prayer ministry? The answers to these questions, along with many others, are found in this book. This is an easy-to-use, complete guidebook for... [Show more]

  • Prix:$2.95
7 Principles for Youth Ministry Excellence (Spanish)

7 Principles for Youth Ministry Excellence (Spanish)

Packaged full of practical ideas and Biblical wisdom, Seven Principles for Youth Ministry Excellence is a must read for anyone thinking of entering youth ministry. This volume includes sections with ready-made interactive workshop activities, standard youth ministry forms for photocopying and... [Show more]

  • Prix:$11.95

Fund Raising

ABZ’s of Adventist Youth Ministry

Children's Ministries Coordinator Quick Start Guide

Children's Ministries Coordinator Quick Start Guide

Learn more about children's ministries coordinator ministries

Totally You

Pastor Freddy Russell of Miracle Temple describes their program called "Totally You", geared toward obese children in the Baltimore metro area.

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States