A 53 page journal honoring the 53 years of Pastoral Service by Pastor Trevor H.C. Baker. This is a limited time offer.
Go Do It is the theme for NAD Youth Ministries Momentum in 2021. Show your support with one of these cotton t-shirts!
32-page journal inviting students to think, reflect, write and draw in response to their assigned readings in Beth and the Trio of Angels.
Never before in salvation history has the study and understanding of the great prophecies of Daniel and Revelation been more relevant to the world. In this practical, beautiful, journal-style book, you get the complete New King James Version biblical text of the books of Daniel and Revelation along... [Show more]
Beth and the Trio of Angels. 122-page book on third/fourth grade reading level. Heart-warming saga of a fourth-grade girl who struggles to do what is right and learns the significance of Revelation’s three-fold messages along the way. Reading Strategy Tool. 8.5” x 11” laminated,... [Show more]
Beth and the Trio of Angels. 142-page book on fifth/sixth grade reading level. Heart-warming saga of a fourth-grade girl who struggles to do what is right and learns the significance of Revelation’s three-fold messages along the way. Reading Strategy Tool. 8.5” x 11” laminated,... [Show more]
Teacher’s Guide. 80-page, spiral bound, color manual with North American Division standards. Interactive lessons share the incredible love of God with students as demonstrated in the three angels’ messages. The contrast between the harsh regimes of world leaders and God’s kingdom... [Show more]
This kit includes: Teacher’s Guide. 45-page, spiral bound, color manual with North American Division standards. This engaging, student-friendly curriculum is based on the chapter book Beth and The Trio of Angels, available in three different reading levels. The saga of fourth-grader Beth... [Show more]
Teacher’s Guide. 76-page, spiral bound, color manual with North American Division standards for integrated unit in Bible, history, and language arts. Lessons are centered on the first half of the First Angel’s message which calls us to “Fear God and give glory to Him for the hour... [Show more]
Deep Calling: On Being and Growing Disciples is a wholistic discipleship movement. Discipleship and disciple-making that emphasizes a life-long process, not a destination. It’s about making space for God in the every day, bearing witness to transformation in the ordinary. It’s... [Show more]