Steps to Discipleship by Ben Maxson is designed to help individuals grow in their relationship with God through an intentional discipleship process. This experience will lead you through a natural progression of decisions and life choices that will help move you into a growing discipleship walk with... [Show more]
Eight Weeks to Wellness is an up-to-date, ready-to-use, common sense health outreach package that promotes positive lifestyle behaviors. Success follows daily participation in the program, not merely listening during eight weekly 60-90 minute sessions. Includes a CD with PowerPoint presentations for... [Show more]
A clear mission guided Jesus’ life. He declared, “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10, NIV). In fulfilling His mission, Jesus spent more time healing than He did teaching and preaching. Seventh-day Adventists believe in following Jesus’ example of ministering... [Show more]
CRAVE is a unique evangelistic approach specifically designed for delivery on university campuses and at other neutral venues that might attract a secular audience. The material and approach is intended for an audience that is secular, post-modern, lacking in biblical literacy, but open (not... [Show more]
Teacher’s Guide. 71-page, spiral bound, color manual with North American Division standards. Based on the book Three Cosmic Messages by Mark Finley, this course has been developed for junior and senior academy students who wish to gain additional Bible credit by taking an honors Bible... [Show more]
This kit includes all materials required to teach the lessons plus student materials for one child. Homeschool Parent Guide with lessons. Spiral bound, color manual with clear, step-by-step directions for homeschool families. This engaging, student-friendly curriculum is based on the... [Show more]
This kit includes all materials required to teach the lessons plus student materials for one child. Homeschool Parent Guide with Lessons. Spiral bound, color manual with clear, step-by-step directions for homeschool families. Ten positive, upbeat lessons share the incredible love of God with... [Show more]
This kit includes all materials required to teach the lessons plus student materials for one child. Homeschool Parent Guide with lessons. Spiral bound, color manual with clear, step-by-step directions for homeschool families. The contrast between the harsh regimes of world leaders... [Show more]
This kit includes all materials required to teach the lessons plus student materials for one child. Homeschool Parent Guide with lessons. Spiral bound, color manual with clear, step-by-step directions for homeschool families. Lessons share the incredible love of God as demonstrated in the... [Show more]
Packaged full of practical ideas and Biblical wisdom, Seven Principles for Youth Ministry Excellence is a must read for anyone thinking of entering youth ministry. This volume includes sections with ready-made interactive workshop activities, standard youth ministry forms for photocopying and... [Show more]