
Résultats de la recherche

40 Days of Prayer

40 Days of Prayer

If you would like to embark on a personal journey with God, try 40 Days of Prayer. Throughout this journey, you will delve into real-life applications of topics including forgiveness, faith, health and finances. You will examine your attitudes and habits, your emotions and priorities. Each day’s... [Show more]

  • Prix:$2.95
Each One Reach One Workbook

Each One Reach One Workbook

Too often evangelism is limited to pastors, when every church member has special gifts and opportunities to witness for God. Each One Reach One is a unique strategy designed with one purpose in mind – to help church members become more effective disciples of Jesus Christ. The purpose of this... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.99
It Takes A Family - Family Ministries Planbook

It Takes A Family - Family Ministries Planbook

Helping youth transition into adulthood requires more than just a passive "letting go." It must be a time of actively outfitting maturing adolescents for the future. Far more important than the financial and material resources with which they leave home are their intangible assets: A clear... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Families Reaching Out - Family Ministries Planbook 2013 (NAD Edition)

Families Reaching Out - Family Ministries Planbook 2013 (NAD Edition)

Families Reaching Out was created to help families sense the urgency of the need to reach out, and make the necessary preparations to be used by God for the salvation of many. From seminars and children’s stories to articles and book and movie reviews, you will find an abundance of resources... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
Christ's Way to Salvation

Christ's Way to Salvation

Philip Samaan will help you see beautiful portraits of Jesus hidden in the passages of Zechariah. Each chapter reveals a unique picture that focuses on different aspects of Christ’s character and ministry. You will see Him as your Advocate and Righteousness, your Judge and Vindicator, the Good... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Reach Out! Relevant Youth Evangelism

Reach Out! Relevant Youth Evangelism

There are varying postmodernist approaches to the idea of community that impact the role of religious bodies for individuals searching for spiritual experiences. Reach Out: Relevant Youth Evangelism is a collection of presentations given at the 180 Symposium where a group of Adventist... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
PF Basic Staff Cert - Presenters Gd

PF Basic Staff Cert - Presenters Gd

Basic Staff Certification is something that every Pathfinder Club leader and TLT should complete. These eight workshops are basic to leading Pathfinder Club Ministry.Presenters responsible for these workshops should make sure that, in addition to communicating the information, they take time to make... [Show more]

  • Prix:$4.95
PF Counselor Cert -Presenters Gd

PF Counselor Cert -Presenters Gd

Pathfinder Club Counselor Certification is something that every Pathfinder Club leader and TLT should complete. These eight workshops are basic to leading Pathfinder Club Ministry. Presenters responsible for these workshops should make sure that, in addition to communicating the information, they... [Show more]

  • Prix:$4.95
PF Director Cert - Presenter Gd

PF Director Cert - Presenter Gd

The Pathfinder Club Director Workshop Resources for Presenters includes helps for each of the eight workshops required for Pathfinder Club Director Certification. Presenters responsible for these workshops should make sure that, in addition to communicating the information, they take time to make... [Show more]

  • Prix:$4.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States