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Introduction to Youth Ministry Prese

Introduction to Youth Ministry Prese

The Youth Ministry Training Certification is something that every person working with youth should complete. These eight workshops presents the basics for leading a successful youth ministry in your church. Presenters responsible for these workshops should make sure that, in addition to... [Show more]

  • Prix:$4.95
Investiture Achievement Director's Guide

Investiture Achievement Director's Guide

Welcome to the exciting world of Investiture Achievement! This Director's Guide will give you a complete overview of what is required for the completion of each level and some basic teaching tips you or the Instructors in your club can use to help Pathfinders complete the requirements. Investiture... [Show more]

  • Prix:$19.95
Church Heritage | Livre en anglais

Church Heritage | Livre en anglais

Church Heritage takes Pathfinders and Master Guides on a journey with Christian leaders as they sought to follow the leading of God. Discover how God's church stretches from Eden to Eden as you travel to the Old Testament to find the foundation of the Christian church, feel the gloom of the... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
Getting It Right - Leader's Guide

Getting It Right - Leader's Guide

Getting it Right is aimed specifically at those attempting to lead a discipleship training effort in the local congregation, focusing in on the big issues that we must approach properly if we’re going to be sure the outcomes are positive and transformational. Author Dan Day brings a clearly-drawn... [Show more]

  • Prix:$4.99
Winning Ways to Witness audio CD

Winning Ways to Witness audio CD

Adventists are faced with the predicament of fulfilling Christ's missional mandate with a taskforce that is largely reluctant to witness. Winning Ways to Witness introduces a training process that utilizes a variety of witnessing styles. This multidimensional approach better involves more members... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Tucker Takes a Dive

Tucker Takes a Dive

Can faith help Tucker conquer his fear of the deep end? All the kids except Tucker pass their summer swimming classes. Now a new summer is here. Will Tucker finally rise to the challenge? His crush on the swimming instructor’s daughter provides some motivation, but will it be enough? So many... [Show more]

  • Prix:$13.95
Embracing God's Promises

Embracing God's Promises

Are you worried about life? Anxious about the future? Or in a situation that feels hopeless? You may not be able to see how things could possibly turn out for the best, but there is hope. You can find the strength to carry on through the powerful love of God. The Bible holds countless promises that... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.99
God Said It-Jesus, Son of God (#9)

God Said It-Jesus, Son of God (#9)

This book tells stories about Jesus’ birth and the angels, shepherds, and wise men who welcomed him; what Jesus was like as a boy and His first visit to the temple; how Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness; and Jesus’ first miracle. Most important, this book teaches kids important... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.99
God Said It-Jesus and You (bk 16)

God Said It-Jesus and You (bk 16)

Through beautiful pictures and fascinating, true stories from the New Testament, kids will get to know Jesus. They’ll learn that John wrote Revelation from prison, see how Jesus will come again, enjoy a story Jesus told about 10 bridesmaids at a wedding feast, and discover the beauty of our... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.99

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States