
Résultats de la recherche

Roundabout Faith

Roundabout Faith

Roundabout Faith moves through 28 Christian teachings that are anchored in the Person of Christ. As young people mature into adults the decisions and commitments they make about faith are usually not like an intersection where they turn left or right or a fork in the road where they choose one way... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
Jesus Loves Jeans Ice Breaker Cards

Jesus Loves Jeans Ice Breaker Cards

These ice breaker cards are perfect for youth groups and youth evangelism. As you use these cards, remember to pray for God's direction and for the Holy Spirit to touch the hearts of everyone involved. Each card has two separate questions with a similar theme. Participants can: Choose which... [Show more]

  • Prix:$15.00
Surprised by Love

Surprised by Love

When was the last time it happened to you? Perhaps your husband sent you flowers for no reason at all, your child turned around and blew you a kiss from the steps of the school bus, or your parents sent you on a cruise, just because. This is the story of our Creator-Redeemer and the greatest... [Show more]

  • Prix:$2.99
The Miracle

The Miracle

What if the Miracles of Jesus are more than meets the eye? What if there is so much more to each story than we see? What if each time Jesus did something supernatural, He was inviting us to look deeper? Beyond the healing. Beyond the deliverance. Beyond the acts that defied the laws of nature. What... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Living with Jesus

Living with Jesus

For far too long Christianity has been seen as a set of beliefs and/or a lifestyle seeking to know and do what is right. We have focused on trying to change people when it is God alone who can change people. We are not even capable of changing ourselves much less others. The goal of the Christian... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
Desert Background (Large)

Desert Background (Large)

This felt 17" x 48" desert background scene is hand-crafted and provides a realistic background setting for the many lessons stories and overlay felts included in the 3-year and 1-year Bible felt sets.

  • Prix:$16.95
Encounter 1-Christ the Way (Spanish)

Encounter 1-Christ the Way (Spanish)

This year-long Bible reading plan effectively blends the four gospels with excerpts from the Desire of Ages. This series promises to guide you through 365 days with Jesus! Required for the Master Guide training program.

  • Prix:$0.50
Encounter 3-Christ Our Redemption (Spanish)

Encounter 3-Christ Our Redemption (Spanish)

A year-long Bible reading plan for the first half of the Old Testament and Patriarchs and Prophets, outlining the story of redemption from its inception. Required for the Pathfinder Instructor's Award.

  • Prix:$0.50

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States