
Résultats de la recherche

Going Green for God - Complete Kit

Going Green for God - Complete Kit

Going Green for God is a 40-day spiritual journey for youth groups. This DVD and devotional book cover 8 weeks/40 days and are designed to help youth grow in their relationship with Jesus. This complete kit includes the Going Green for God DVD, leader’s guide, five devotional books, and two... [Show more]

  • Prix:$49.95
Talking With My Friend

Talking With My Friend

What do you talk about with your closest friends? Everything. Past … Present … Future … Bad … Sad … Glad. This versatile “journal of pleas and thanks” is a thoughtful reminder that you can talk personally with God like you would with a friend.... [Show more]

  • Prix:$6.95
Go T-shirt

Go T-shirt

This t-shirt corresponds with The Go Box.

Cristo Revelado En El Santuario de D

Cristo Revelado En El Santuario de D

New Spanish book on Christ's role in the sanctuary. 

  • Prix:$150.00
The Tabernacle

The Tabernacle

This Tabernacle Pamphlet Is the #1 Tabernacle Bible Study resource on the biblical Tabernacle. This booklet features a fold-out Tabernacle picture and images of all of the furnishings.One glance at this full-color Tabernacle picture will bring to life the story of Moses and the Tabernacle in the... [Show more]

  • Prix:$4.99
Fiercely Faithful VBS Preschool | Spanish

Fiercely Faithful VBS Preschool | Spanish

In this station, children ages 3–5 will experience Bible stories, snacks, games, and hands-on activities designed specifically for their age group. Each day the preschoolers will begin and end their time together with the elementary-age kids at the Mazan Oasis opening and closing station. They... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.90
Grow A World Changer

Grow A World Changer

Daniel, Joseph, and Esther were elevated to noble positions because of their excellence, moral resolve, winning personalities, and intellectual capacity. What shaped these young people for such dramatic roles? What part did Moses’ mother play in preparing him for his calling? From Grow a World... [Show more]

  • Prix:$13.80
Church and Society

Church and Society

The Church has a reservoir of wisdom and truth in the Bible, and a role to play in witnessing to that truth. The Bible is full of mandates and challenges that ask us, the disciples of Jesus Christ, to “Make our light shine, so that others may see our good works and give glory to our God in heaven”... [Show more]

  • Prix:$24.95
Comfort for the Day: Living Through the Seasons of Grief

Comfort for the Day: Living Through the Seasons of Grief

Your heart is crushed. Finding it even difficult to breathe, you wake up to the reality that someone you treasure is gone. Death has stolen your loved one from your arms. Now the seemingly insurmountable difficult work of living through grief begins. Is there anything that can soothe this... [Show more]

  • Prix:$16.95
Follow Me | Spanish

Follow Me | Spanish

The Bible Study Follow Me! A Call to Live in Jesus, a 32-page special edition of El Centinela magazine, offers twelve lessons that explore the pillars of the Christian faith, from the greatness of God to the commitment to live for Jesus. We seek to understand these foundations through a detailed... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.75

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States