The Journal of Family Research and Practice (JFRP) is an annual publication of the Family Ministries Department of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and is released each year in conjunction with the Adventist Conference on Family Research and Practice (ACFRP). It... [Show more]
The Journal of Family Research and Practice (JFRP) is an annual, peer reviewed publication of the Family Ministries Department of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. The journal is primarily intended for professionals, practitioners, pastors, and lay-people in the North... [Show more]
Deep Calling: On Being and Growing Disciples is a wholistic discipleship movement. Discipleship and disciple-making that emphasizes a life-long process, not a destination. It’s about making space for God in the every day, bearing witness to transformation in the ordinary. It’s about... [Show more]
The Journal of Adventist Youth and Young Adult Ministries is an annual publication of the Youth Ministries Department of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and is released each year in conjunction with the 180 Symposium. It is authored by various experts in the field and... [Show more]
The Journal of Adventist Youth and Young Adult Ministries is an annual publication of the Youth Ministries Department of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and is released each year in conjunction with the 180 Symposium. It is authored by various experts in the field and... [Show more]
The Journal of Adventist Youth and Young Adult Ministries is an annual publication of the Youth Ministries Department of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and is released each year in conjunction with the 180 Symposium. It is authored by various experts in the... [Show more]
The Journal of Adventist Youth and Young Adult Ministries is an annual publication of the Youth Ministries Department of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and is released each year in conjunction with the 180 Symposium. It is authored by various experts in the... [Show more]
Breathing. We don’t put a lot of thought into it. At least under normal circumstances. Yet it’s vital. Beyond that, intentionally drawing fresh air into our lungs brings amazing physical and mental health benefits. What about prayer—praise and petition, the in and out of thanks and... [Show more]
The Triune God Reflected in Church Life and Health: A Trinitarian Compass for Church Leaders begins by painting a picture of the Triune God of the Bible and His missional nature, stemming from love and light. The authors then offer a reflection on the practical implications of believing in such a... [Show more]
In this ground-breaking book, Pastor and Life Coach Natasha introduces you to the transformative world of Mpowered Me, a program designed to help you develop a positive and powerful mindset, becoming the best version of yourself. With sensitivity and wisdom, Natasha acknowledges the challenges many... [Show more]