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The Midnight Cry DVD

The Midnight Cry DVD

For some amazing days in the fall of 1844, the nation was on the raw edge of its nerves. In the large cities of the Northeast, angry mobs chased worshipers out of their churches. Theologians thundered their disapproval of the shocking doctrine from their pulpits. Newspaper editors invented... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.99
Baptismal Robes

Baptismal Robes

Affordable, custom made robes

Bougies à piles | ensemble de 7

Bougies à piles | ensemble de 7

Cet ensemble comprend 7 bougies à piles qui répondent aux spécifications de sécurité d'Adventist Risk Management. Utilisez ces bougies pour représenter les niveaux du Club des Aventuriers ou du Club Explorateurs en appliquant l'autocollant... [Show more]

  • Prix:$19.95

Mentoring Youth

ABZ’s of Adventist Youth Ministry

Church Clerk

Resources for church clerks


Resources for elders

Finance Committee

Resources for the finance committee

Interest Coordinator

Resources for interest coordinators

Reconnecting Ministries

Resources for reconnecting ministries

Older Adult Ministry

Resources for older adult ministry leaders

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States