Are you looking for a fresh way to study the Bible? Would you like to better understand how Ellen White's writings reflect the Scriptures? This book will help you learn more about the inductive, biographical, historical, literary, sociological, and cultural approaches to Bible study. Also, see how... [Show more]
This series of 14 Bible studies is designed to encourage and nurture Adventist women and those who want to know more about the Christian way of life. These guides can be used for individual or small group Bible study. Lessons included: The Bible Jesus Spiritual Growth Relationships Self... [Show more]
Can you tell when someone is ready to hear the gospel? What are their signs of receptivity? This book will help you learn to recognize when people are open to new learning. Also discover how to analyze the demographics of your area and learn to use that information to build a more... [Show more]
The Pathfinder Bible will help Pathfinders learn more about Jesus and complete their Pathfinder requirements. This red-letter edition New King James Version Bible is the official choice for the Pathfinder Bible Experience. This Bible features many resources that are particularly useful to... [Show more]
Bible reading is an excellent to know God. These plan cards are a weekly reading guide. They outline what Scriptures each member should read in order to fulfill the class requirements.
Many Pathfinder clubs collect food in the fall for food banks. Give this attractive flyer to those who contribute. It has a detachable card that the donor can send in for more information on Pathfinders or for Bible study guides. Sold in packages of 100.
How "people-friendly" is your Sabbath school? Does your class launch immediately into information dissemination? Or do you allow time for personal fellowship and bonding? Discover new, effective Sabbath school class formats, alternative lesson study plans, and ideas for increasing attendance in this... [Show more]
Discover God's principles of money management through the study of Counsels on Stewardship and Spirit of the Pioneers. This 64-page study guide provides a ten-lesson curriculum for a weekend seminar, prayer group series, or small group study. Practical and personal, with inspiring stories from the... [Show more]
CD of the popular theme music from the Discover the Power camporee. This CD includes these tracks: Discover the Power of the Lord Dare to Care We are His Colors We are His Hands Discover the Power of the Lord (instrumental) God is Good Humble Thyself Psalm 148 I'm So Glad Jesus Lifted... [Show more]
A six-part small group study designed to empower parents, Sabbath school teachers, VBS leaders, and others who want children to experience grace. Each session is 90 minutes long and includes discussion and activities. Perfect for teacher training sessions.