Are you planning to raise funds for a building, for some community service project, for ongoing support for education, or some other purpose? Do you wonder how you should go about getting the funds? Do you worry about who might give to your cause? If you have these questions and many others, this... [Show more]
Are you planning a building project—a new church, addition, school building, or Community Service building? Do you wonder how you should go about getting the funds? Does it seem like your campaign for funds goes on forever? Are your members or constituents tired of talking about money? If you have... [Show more]
Are you planning a building project—a new church, addition, school building, or Community Service building? Do you wonder how you should go about getting the funds? Does it seem like your campaign for funds goes on forever? Are your members or constituents tired of talking about money? If you... [Show more]
Are you planning a building project—a new church, addition, school building, or Community Service building? Do you wonder how you should go about getting the funds? Does it seem like your campaign for funds goes on forever? Are your members or constituents tired of talking about money? If you... [Show more]
This patch is given to those who complete the Community Service requirements.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church has a long and rich history of being a Church that affirms peace, seeks reconciliation and has encouraged a noncombatant stance. In a time when wars and war-like conflicts are on the global rise, there is an urgent need to reflect more fully on the role of... [Show more]
Learn how to start and grow your community services program with the Adventist Community Services handbook. This book gives you the the step-by-step instructions necessary to serve your community. Whether your church is in a rural or urban area, this book will enable you to make your program a... [Show more]
Niveau : Mains Utiles (4ème grade) Catégorie : Activités spirituelles Section : Mon Dieu Ce patch est remis une fois que les exigences de la spécialité sont satisfaites.
Tips for Involving Youth in Community Service is a unique collection of wisdom collected from dozens of youth leaders, community service leaders, and young people sharing what they’ve caught in regard to serving others. Some wisdom is broad and general, such as, “Get to know the youth in your... [Show more]