
Items by publisher: Master's Workship Disciples

Steps to Discipleship - Study Guide

Steps to Discipleship - Study Guide

Steps to Discipleship by Ben Maxson is designed to help individuals grow in their relationship with God through an intentional discipleship process. This experience will lead you through a natural progression of decisions and life choices that will help move you into a growing discipleship walk with... [Show more]

  • Prix:$12.95
Steps to Discipleship - Pastor's Manual

Steps to Discipleship - Pastor's Manual

Steps to Discipleship by Ben Maxson is designed to help individuals grow in their relationship with God through an intentional discipleship process. This experience will lead you through a natural progression of decisions and life choices that will help move you into a growing discipleship walk with... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Steps to Discipleship - Small Group Leader's Guide

Steps to Discipleship - Small Group Leader's Guide

Steps to Discipleship by Ben Maxson is designed to help individuals grow in their relationship with God through an intentional discipleship process. This experience will lead you through a natural progression of decisions and life choices that will help move you into a growing discipleship walk with... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.50
Steps to Discipleship - Postcard (package of 50)

Steps to Discipleship - Postcard (package of 50)

Steps to Discipleship by Ben Maxson is designed to help individuals grow in their relationship with God through an intentional discipleship process. This experience will lead you through a natural progression of decisions and life choices that will help move you into a growing discipleship walk with... [Show more]

  • Prix:$7.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States