
Items by: NAD Children's Ministries

Understanding Children Track 1- Check-off Card

Understanding Children Track 1- Check-off Card

Understanding Children - Certification Check-off Card. Track #1 Understanding Children is part of NAD Children's Ministries Certification program.  Understanding Children is about comprehending various types of children and the way they develop, think, and behave.... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.20
Children's Tithe Envelopes (English) Packages of 100

Children's Tithe Envelopes (English) Packages of 100

How does a good habit start? By repetition at an early age. How do parents keep their children motivated? This is an excellent pictorial way to teach young children the difference between tithe and offerings and to train them to be regular and faithful with their tithe and offerings. Sold in... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
Coming to Jesus, Growing in Him

Coming to Jesus, Growing in Him

This item is available FREE to Conference Children's Ministries Directors. The conference only pays the shipping cost.

  • Prix:$0.99
Creative Arts - Track 4  Check-off Card

Creative Arts - Track 4 Check-off Card

Creative Arts - Certification Check-off Card Track 4  Creative Arts is part of the NAD Children's Ministries Certification program. The Creative Arts track presents fun and creative ways of sharing the gospel for both children and adults. These are 6 areas for Creative... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.20
Ministering to Families Track 6 - Check-off Card

Ministering to Families Track 6 - Check-off Card

Ministering to Families - Certification Check-off Card Track 6 Ministering to Families is part of the NAD Children's Ministries Certification program.  Ministering to Families helps parents and guardians understand that they play THE most important role in training up the child in the way... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.20
Child Evangelism Track 3 - Check-off Card

Child Evangelism Track 3 - Check-off Card

Child Evangelism - Certification Check-off Card. Track #3 Child Evangelism is part of NAD Children's Ministries Certification program.  Child Evangelism ican be seen in two ways: adult reaching children for Christ or Children sharing their faith with others, k, and... [Show more]

  • Prix:$0.20
10 Ways to Involve Children in Church (Spanish)

10 Ways to Involve Children in Church (Spanish)

This colorful brochure outlines 10 ways children can be actively involved in local church ministry as ushers, worship leaders, and artists! Sold in packages of 100.

  • Prix:$14.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States