Each student needs one card for the level they are completing. The cards serve as an individual guide or completion record for each of the requirements.
Use estas tarjetas para registrar y seguir el progreso de cada Aventurero a través de sus trabajos de nivel, tareas y proyectos. Tarjeta de registros. Actualizado 2015.
Welcome to the exciting world of Builders! The Builder Leader’s Guide is packed with resources to help you teach third graders Christian principles and life skills while engaging them in fun, creative play. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll find helpful answers to the questions: Who are Builders?... [Show more]
Welcome to the exciting world of Sunbeams! The Sunbeam Leader’s Guide is packed with resources to help you teach second graders Christian principles and life skills while engaging them in fun, creative play. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll find helpful answers to the questions: Who are... [Show more]
Welcome to the exciting world of Busy Bees! The Busy Bee Leader’s Guide is packed with resources to help you teach first graders Christian principles and life skills while engaging them in fun, creative play. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll find helpful answers to the questions: Who are Busy... [Show more]
El Club de Aventureros ofrece un plan de estudios completo y adecuado para las familias con niños de edad preescolar hasta el cuarto grado. En cada nivel los niños aprenden más acerca de la Biblia, la salud, la naturaleza, cómo llevarse bien con los demás y mucho más. El Club de Aventureros también... [Show more]
Outline your Adventurers' progress with the help of these wall charts. Adventurers, parents, and leaders can see what each participant has completed and can look forward to what's coming up next. Each chart has space to record 10 Adventurers’ progress. This set contains one record chart for... [Show more]
Contiene actividades para ayudar a los niños realizar los requisitos del programa de los Corderitos.
¡Bienvenido al emocionante mundo de los Corderitos! Ya sea que esté realizando el Programa de los Corderitos como parte de su club de los Aventureros o como su propio programa para los niños de 4 años de edad, usted encontrará lo que necesita aquí. Esta... [Show more]
Contiene actividades para ayudar a los niños realizar los requisitos del programa de los Castorcitos.
¡Bienvenido al mundo emocionante de los Castorcitos! Este manual esta replete de recursos que lo ayudarán a enseñar a los niños de la edad de jardín de infantes principios cristianos y habilidades para la vida, mientras los compromete con juegos divertidos y... [Show more]
Each student needs one card for the class they are completing. The cards serve as an individual guide or completion record for each of the class requirements.
Each student needs one card for the class they are completing. The cards serve as an individual guide or completion record for each of the class requirements.
Each student needs one card for the class they are completing. The cards serve as an individual guide or completion record for each of the class requirements.
Each student needs one card for the class they are completing. The cards serve as an individual guide or completion record for each of the class requirements.
This activity diary is a workbook designed to help each student complete the class requirements. Each workbook gives space for the student to complete the requirements. Teachers and instructors love the diary because it helps organize work and provides something students can take home when the year... [Show more]