
Items by: Ron and Karen Flowers

Managing God's Resources - Family Ministries Planbook

Managing God's Resources - Family Ministries Planbook

Family relationships are one of the most important responsibilities given to us by God. The way we manage those relationships provides fruit in the way our marriages, our children, and our interpersonal relationships develop. This book gives insight and ideas on how to balance daily tasks and... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Human Sexuality (Spanish)

Human Sexuality (Spanish)

Do you wish you knew how to talk about sexuality as easily as you speak of sports or music? Are you avoiding "The Big Talk," hoping to educate your child about sexuality in better ways? Are you concerned that too much information about sex will encourage sexual activity? How can you help you teen... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
Celebrate Marriage! (Spanish)

Celebrate Marriage! (Spanish)

The 2005 Family Ministries plan book emphasizes marriage and its effect on the whole family. The concepts of marriage change depending on the time period and the culture. The focus in this book is to recapture the institution and experience of marriage as it came from the Creator’s hand and as it... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
Human Sexuality

Human Sexuality

Do you wish you knew how to talk about sexuality as easily as you speak of sports or music? Do your students have the skills to resist harmful peer and media pressure? Would you like help in collaborating with parents to educate young people to make wise choices about sex and avoid sexually... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
Passing the Torch

Passing the Torch

Are values caught or taught? This workbook provides excellent ideas to help build strong families and is packed with seminar ideas and resources for pastors, family life educators, elders, church school teachers, youth ministry leaders, Pathfinder club directors, and parents.

  • Prix:$9.95
Making Families Whole

Making Families Whole

What are the traits of a healthy family? The authors explore the holistic facets of family health and well-being based upon contemporary family studies. Sermon ideas, creative children's stories, and mini-seminars on marriage, parenting, and family are included.

  • Prix:$9.95
Facing Family Crises

Facing Family Crises

Facing Family Crises is a 125-page planbook that can help family ministry leaders plan a year's worth of meaningful family ministry events. Seventh-day Adventist family specialists Ron and Karen Flowers, Willie and Elaine Oliver, Bernie and Karen Holford, and others contribute complete parenting and... [Show more]

  • Prix:$9.95
Families Filled with Joy

Families Filled with Joy

"It's an old, old story which for centuries has filled families with joy where it has been told. A the same time, it's today's story. The story must be told and retold if families are to find their true identity, be knit together as a family, and connected in community. We'll know we've got it when... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95
101 Ideas for Celebrating Family at Church

101 Ideas for Celebrating Family at Church

What can you do to promote family ministries at church? This booklet provides creative family ministry ideas to incorporate into your Sabbath school, church ministries, children's ministries, or community outreach programs.

  • Prix:$1.00
Understanding Families

Understanding Families

The family is like a human body. The functioning of each separate part affects the body as a whole, and the body as a whole impacts the way the separate parts function. This view is crucial to those who minister to families. In this perspective, individual family members are valued and... [Show more]

  • Prix:$14.95

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States