The purpose of the Sabbath School is to make disciples for Christ. It includes the nurture of spiritual growth in members and prospective members, as well as the unchurched who join in the fellowship, study, sharing and service. The Sabbath School exists not only to minister to its members, but to train its members to minister to others. The Sabbath School is a school of Christian living, not just an event on Sabbath mornings.
Curriculum for study and discussion might include:
1. The lesson quarterly
2. Books of the Bible
3. Books on spiritual growth
4. Video presentations
5. Contemporary issues and topics
Many churches break their Sabbath School time into two segments--one for lessons study and another for sharing thoughts and ideas in a larger group setting.
Some choose to spend their full time in small groups where each group shares joys and concerns, studies the Bible and spends time in prayer.
Each church should carefully consider what works best for their members and guests.