
Gangs and the Church

A gang is a group of individuals who form an allegiance for a common purpose, usually including engaging in unlawful, violent or criminal activity. Gangs involve all races and socioeconomic levels.

Gangs are predominantly territory oriented. Each gang has its own turf and graffiti marks its boundaries. Anyone not belonging in the area, especially if they appear to be from a rival gang, is subject to attack.

Why Youth Join Gangs

  1. The excitement of gang activity
  2. Peer pressure
  3. Financial benefit
  4. The lure of a "family"
  5. A lack of realization of the hazards involved  

Gang membership extracts a terrible toll from the lives of members and their families, as well as the communities in which gangs operate. Vandalism lessens property values and drives away local business. Bystanders often become the innocent victims of violence. Gang members usually discard formal education. Extensive police records limit future employment opportunities. Family members live in constant fear that their loved ones will be killed.

What We Can Do About Gangs

  1. Become Aware. Learn about gang activity in your neighborhood. Discover what the police are doing to combat gangs.
  2. Cooperate With Experts. Direct interaction is best left to experts trained to handle dangerous situations.
  3. Neighborhood Involvement. A gang's power grows by fear. neighborhoods that unite in a spirit of cooperation toward stopping crime and violence will greatly hamper a gang's efforts.
  4. Provide Alternatives. Especially for the younger members of the community, churches can provide activities that keep them busy, help them focus on positive goals, and keep out of the direct influence of street gangs.
  5. Serve the Community.  Christlike service, for the people and with the people of a community, helps to head off the problems upon which gangs feed.

From: ABZ’s of Adventist Youth Ministry
Permission to copy for use in the local congregation or group.

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States