Download the requirements for the Bully Prevention honor by clicking on the Download link above.
Bully Prevention II
Note: Because of the sensitive nature (and prevalence) of bullying, it is suggested that this honor be taught by an individual who has recently received training or done meaningful reading/research on the topic of bully prevention (and if possible has been certified on this topic). The BEST way to earn this honor is over a series of sessions, so that the principles become a part of the participants’ nature rather than quickly learned and as quickly forgotten.
1. Review and explain four basic rules of bully prevention
2. Review some of the signs to look for that could determine if an individual is suffering from some form of bullying.
3. Review what different roles people play when being part of a bullying situation (often described as the Bully Circle), and which roles have you witnessed happen in situations you have seen or been involved in.
4. Explain the following types of bullying and evaluate ways that you would know that the following situations are happening within your friendship community:
5.Briefly describe:
6.Discuss with a group the following texts as each relates to bullying:
7. Discuss with an individual or in a group some of the ways to protect oneself from the following:
8.Reflect on a moment when you or someone you know experienced being a target of relational aggression. As a first-hand witness or from a close acquaintance, briefly answer the following:
9. Demonstrate a profound understanding of the vulnerabilities, accountabilities, and pitfalls of spreading rumors by doing one of the following:
10. Cyberbullying often includes elements that endanger the life and safety of someone else, and thus may require reporting to officials. Determine what steps or actions are needed at each stage listed below to work to resolve cyber bullying situations.
11. Discuss each of the following scenarios as a group. 1) Read the situation, 2) evaluate whether sexual bullying is taking place, and 3) based on your observation, discuss potentially appropriate responses.
12. Discuss from a Christian’s perspective, how bullying has been and continues to be used as a means to hinder spreading the gospel of Christ
Skill Level 2
New in 2018
Spiritual Growth, Outreach, and Heritage
North American Division
2108 Update