
Courtesy Award Requirements

Courtesy Award Requirements



Download the requirements for the courtesy award by clicking on the download link above.

Level: Sunbeam (2nd grade)
Category: Household Arts
Section: My World


1. Explain what “courtesy” means.
2. Recite and explain the Golden Rule.
3. Be able to demonstrate good table manners:

  1. Properly set the table
  2. Correctly ask for and pass food
  3. Properly excuse yourself from the table

4. Make a telephone call using good telephone manners:

  1. To an adult
  2. To a friend of your choice
  3. Be able to answer the phone correctly
    OR introduce:
  4. An adult to a friend
  5. Your teacher to a parent

5. Share an experience:

  1. When an adult was courteous to you
  2. When you were courteous to another person

6. Show acts of courtesy as you:

  1. Ask for a drink
  2. Say thank you
  3. Apologize
  4. Greet a friend
  5. Share and take turns

1. Showing consideration to others as in good manners and proper behavior. Show examples of courteous behavior.
2. The Golden Rule is a precept, or rule of life, set forth by Jesus Christ in the Sermon on the Mount, according to Matthew 7:12. In different versions it is stated as, “Do to others what you want them to do to you.”
3. Encourage good manners by having a pretend meal with a table setting and showing the children proper table etiquette such as not talking with their mouth full, using utensils correctly, saying please and thank you, etc. You may wish to have a “banquet” for the children to put into practice what they have learned.
4. Teach the children to speak distinctly when they answer the telephone, to ask the caller whom they wish to speak with, and to quickly relay the message. Also teach them how to call in case of an emergency. If telephones are not available, teach them how to make introductions properly.
5. Give the children a few minutes to tell their story. At first you may need to share an experience to get them thinking, e.g., a time you were lost and a policeofficer was kind or you fell and a neighbor helped you up. Encourage the children to be kind to each other as well as to adults.

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