
Gadgets & Sand Chip Requirements - Eager Beaver

Gadgets & Sand Chip Requirements - Eager Beaver



Download the requirements for the gadgets and sand chip by clicking on the download link above.

Level: Eager Beaver (Kindergarten)

Gadgets & Sand

1. Using plastic measuring cups and spoons, measure, pour, and scoop up different amounts of sand and put them into a bucket or separate container. Discuss the different measurements.
2. Make a sand art picture.
3. Using funnels and scoops, fill bottles with sand. Use two different size funnels.
4. Put dried beans in a bucket with sand and mix them together. Using a strainer, separate beans from sand and put in a different container.
5. Make a picture out of beans.

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  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States