
House Plants Honor Requirements

House Plants Honor Requirements



Download the requirements for the house plants honor by clicking on the download link above.

House Plants

1. Name at least five house plants raised for their foliage.
2. Name three house plants raised for their flowers.
3. Name three house plants adapted to direct sunlight, dry soils, and very moist soils.
4. Most house plants like a 65 to 75 degree (18 C to 22 C) temperature. Name one that requires a cool room (45 to 55 degrees F [7 C - 13 C]).
5. Prepare a special potting mix soil including at least three different ingredients. Select two house plants and grow them in this soil for three weeks.
6. How much light does an African violet need? Where in the house is the best place to grow them? Grow two or more African violets. Indicate whether they are boy or girl type violets.
7. All gesneriads need approximately the same growing conditions. Where do they come from originally? What kind of temperature, light, and humidity do they need?
8. Name two house plants that can be propagated from leaves, stem sections and divisions. Raise one plant from two of these methods and keep it growing at least six months.
9. What is a Bonsai?
10. What is humidity and how is it important to a plant?
11. Grow at least five of the following:

  1. African violet
  2. Aspidistra
  3. Aluminum plant
  4. Daffodil
  5. Gloxinia
  6. Maidenhair fern
  7. Piggy-back plant
  8. Tulip
  9. Boston fern
  10. Begonia
  11. Bird’s nest fern
  12. Ficus
  13. Hyacinth
  14. Narcissus
  15. Spider plant
  16. Coleus
  17. Crocus
  18. Caladium
  19. Geranium
  20. Iris
  21. Philodendron
  22. Sanseveria

Skill Level 2
Original Honor 1976

General Conference
2001 Edition
Updated 2020

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  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States